What is amoeba?

Amoeba are parasitic infection of the large intestine, causing parasites to occur trans (Antamueba Hustuluetka (Entamoeba Histolytica), a single cell parasite multiplies inside the intestines and becomeVesicle by the nuclei and cause Aldisontarya amoebic dysentery, one of the most dangerous parasites because the treatment takes a long time When you take your medicine Alantameba increase the strength of the vesicle surrounded byOf drug resistance so the drug may fail to eliminate them.

Methods of infection Balamiba

Of the most important reasons:

- Food and water contaminated with germs, which contain the bag Amoeba Parasite
- Exposure to feces of an infected person.
- Cockroaches and flies home.
Infants therefore more susceptible to this parasite
- And older persons.
Who use drugs contain steroidal material.
- Persons who suffer from weaker immune systems.
- Persons who suffer from lack of nutrition.
And also address the Alakvep which contain preservatives such as potato chips and candy lead to injury by

Symptoms Aldisontarya

- Colic, diarrhea and loss of appetite and possible vomiting and loss of weight and stress.
- The presence of mucus with feces and sometimes blood, in the advanced stages of the disease.

How to diagnose

- By checking the stool.

Usually confined to the initial injury or infection in the large intestine only, but in the case immunodeficiency graduated parasites from the intestine through the bloodstream to other organsAnd attack-phase non-Altousel other parts of the body, such as the liver (the most common member of the intestine) and may lead to liver or lung abscess (often in the right lung as a result of corrosionDirect the diaphragm of the outlying areas of the liver) or the brain.


antinal an anti-parasitic and trade name and also Vlagel Antinal Flagy

To avoid contracting this disease

- Hands should be washed with soap and water before eating
- Washing hands with soap and water after using the bathroom
- Washing fruits and vegetables well with the addition of vinegar
- Prevent children from eating foods containing preservatives