Also known as CA 125 tumor marker Official name: Cancer Antigen 125 Related Tests: Tumor Markers, BRCA-1 and BRCA-2, Human Epididymis Protein 4 (HE…
Breast cancer   About this information Breast cancer is a cancers type that develops in the breast tissue of women and sometimes men.   This …
Facts about brain tumors     The brain is a mass of soft tissue that contains three main parts , the brain , the cerebellum and the brain stem , a…
If you, or a darling one, screw been diagnosed with mesothelioma, or consider you power be at probability for nonindustrial the disease, you stre…
Lifestyle and environmental risk factors for breast cancer are still an area of active research and many have been identified. Lucky for most peo…
According to official figures, only between 5-10% of breast cancer is caused by genetic influences. But even though the percentage is relatively …
Cancer is a deadly disease that requires intensive medical treatment. It can be a painful and harrowing experience for the patient as well as his…