Common Symptoms & Risk Factor of Meningioma

Meningioma is a type of tumor that developed in the membranes that are identified as Meninges. This particular membrane surrounds the brain as well as the spinal cord. When an individual has this type of tumor, it is likely that it is not cancerous. A noncancerous tumor is identified as being benign. While there are some instances in which the tumor is cancerous, it is rare. If it is found to be cancerous, it is identified as being malignant.
In most cases, women are more affected by this type of tumor than men. While a Meningioma tumor may be identified in the brain at any time in life, these are most commonly found in adults. In this medical guide, you will be introduced to basic facts pertaining to Meningioma.
Common Symptoms
If an individual suffers from a Meningioma tumor, there are many common symptoms that may occur. The tumor is typically present for a small amount of time before any symptoms become evident. The following represents the symptoms that could indicate that there is a Meningioma tumor in the brain:
• Many individuals will start experiencing mild to moderate headaches. As time progresses, the headaches will typically worsen in severity.
• It is not at all uncommon for an individual to experience weakness in the body. It is most common for the arms and the legs to be affected by the weakness.
• Many will suffer from cognitive complications such as memory loss and possibly even issues when it comes to concentration.
• Many patients have been found to suffer from issues such as a general loss of hearing and vision issues. When the vision is affected by this type of tumor, many will experience blurry vision. In other instances, an individual may find that they suffer from double vision.
• When a person has a Meningioma brain cancer tumor, they may start to have seizures. In most cases, a person develops seizures but for those that have a condition that results in seizures, the episodes may become worse over time as the tumor grows and spreads.
Common Risk Factors
There are many common risk factors that may increase a person's chance for developing a Meningioma tumor. The following indicates the situations that may mean that an individual could develop this type of brain cancer tumor:
• There are many individuals that are genetically prone to developing a condition that is referred to as Neurofibromatosis Type 2 by neurologists and other medical professionals. If a person has this issue, it is quite likely that they will be more susceptible to developing tumors in and around the brain. Meningioma tumors are among the most common that are developed.
• It has been established that if a person requires radiation treatment for one reason or another to the head area, they may develop this type of tumor.
• Because of the fact that women are most affected by Meningioma tumors, it is believed among medical professionals that an imbalance of the hormones in the female body is directly related to the development of these tumors.
If you have been diagnosed with this type of tumor, or you feel as if you have the symptoms of this type of tumor, it is important to work closely with your medical doctor in order to establish a treatment regimen.
Author: Anne Ahira, CEO of Asian Brain Company
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