What is the best diet for diabetes?

You may be asking yourself what is the best diet for diabetes. Well the best diet for diabetes really depends on which type of diabetes you have.  With diabetes there are a few different types. Type 1 diabetes, which is considered insulin dependent diabetes.  And Type 2 diabetes, which is referred to as adult onset diabetes.  A good diet for diabetes depends on which type because Type 2 diabetes the majority of the time is controlled with diet and exercise.  To find out the best diet for diabetes please read on.

What is the best diet for diabetes?
No matter which type of diabetes you have, your diet needs to consist of carbohydrates. It is also important to watch the amount of carbohydrates you consume.  The following diet for diabetes is broken down into the two different types:
Type 1 diabetes
With Type 1 diabetes your diet choices are a little different. You are dependent on insulin therapy daily and must count your carbohydrates and take the correct insulin doses to help stabilize blood sugar levels.  It is important to opt for healthy carbs such as fruits, vegetables, and whole grains as well. But it is important to remember to keep track of all carbs you eat and take the correct insulin to keep your blood sugar from rising too high.
Type 2 diabetes
There is a good chance if you have Type 2 diabetes that you are able to control it with diet. The best tips when looking into a diet for diabetes of this type are:
Choose healthy carbs:  The healthiest carbs include vegetables, whole grains, beans, and low fat dairy.
Eat fiber rich foods: Fiber has been known to help control blood sugar levels.
Eat heart healthy fish: It is a good rule of thumb to eat heart healthy fish at least two times a week.
Try “good” fats:  Foods such as avocados, pecans, and peanut oil can help keep your cholesterol down.
With any type of diet for diabetes it is important to exercise. Exercise helps to lower your blood sugar. If you are experiencing hyperglycemia (high blood sugar) it may help to get out and exercise. It is also important to remember that any diet for diabetes should contain many healthy food options.  There are a few myths associated with any diet for diabetes, they include:
  • You cannot eat sugar
  • You have to have a protein with nothing but protein.
  • You have to cut down on carbs
  • You must eat only diabetic meals.
These are all myths because as with any diet for diabetes you can still have sugar it just needs to be counted as all the other carbs need counted. You do not need a diet with high amounts of protein because large doses of protein have been known to cause insulin resistance. Cutting down on your carb intake is always not the best option either because your body still needs the carbohydrates for energy. And just because you are diabetic does not mean that’s all you can eat.
In order to choose the best diet for diabetes it is important to make health conscious decisions. You can have pretty much anything you like in moderation on a diet for diabetes.