Semen analysis | Male Infertility Workup

Semen analysis
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Semen analysis
The semen analysis evaluates a sperm and sperm of a man. It is done to discover the cause of infertility and confirm the success of vasectomy.
Semen analysis is a first step in investigating why a couple could not develop a child. Abnormalities of sperm and sperm can cause male infertility. Semen is the fat yellow-white male ejaculate containing sperm. Sperms are the male sex cells that fertilize the female egg (eicel). They contain the genetic information that the man will pass on to a child.
Vasectomy is an operation to sterilize a man by stopping sperm in the sperm. A success of vasectomy is confirmed by the absence of semen in sperm.
The semen analysis test is usually performed manually, although automated testing systems are available. Many laboratories base their procedures on standards published by the World Health Organization (WHO).
The volume of semen in the whole ejaculate is measured. The appearance, colour, thickness and pH are noted. A pH test looks at the range of a very acidic solution to a very alkaline solution. Semen, like many other body fluids, has a standard pH range that would be optimal for fertilization of the egg. The thick sperm may then flow; This usually takes 20-60 minutes.
Drops of sperm are placed on a microscope slide and examined under the microscope. Motility, or movement, of 100 sperm are observed and sorted into categories, such as fast progressive or immortal.
The sperm structure (sperm morphology) is assessed by carefully examining the sperm for abnormalities in size and shape in the main, tail and neck regions. WHO standards usually define as a sample with less than 30% abnormal shapes. An alternative classification system (Kruger's) measures the size of semen. Normal copies may contain 14% or fewer abnormalities.
Sperm is counted by placing sperm in a special counting room. The sperm inside the room is counted under a microscope. White blood cells are included; These may indicate an infection of the propagation. Laboratories can test for other biochemicals such as fructose, zinc and citric acid. These are believed to contribute to the health and fertility of sperm.
Results of sperm analysis for infertility must be confirmed by a second analysis seven days to three months after the first. Sperm counts may differ from day to day.
Semen analysis to confirm the success of vasectomy relates only to the detection of sperm still present. Semen is collected six weeks after surgery. When sperm is seen, another sample is collected 2 to 4 weeks later. The test is repeated until two consecutive specimens are free of sperm.
A man must collect a whole ejaculate, by masturbation, in a container provided by his doctor. To investigate the best quality prime, the sample must be collected after two to three days of sexual abstinence, but not more than five to seven days. The sample may not come into contact with spermicides used by a female partner for birth control purposes. The man must not have alcohol for the test.
A semen sample to investigate infertility must be brought to the testing laboratory within one hour of obtaining the examination. Timing is not so critical for postvasectomy testing, but semen must be kept at body temperature. The most satisfactory sample is a laboratory, instead of home.
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