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Specimen preparation

Specimen preparation with a standardized method is highly recommended for microscopical analysis .  Specimen of choice Specimen of choice is t…

Microorganisms and other elements

Microorganisms Bacteria The urinary infection is the most frequently observed anomaly in urinary microscopy. The presence o…

Confirmatory tests

Introduction The aim of these tests is to confirm the identity of crystals. These tests are rarely used, and only if indicated by a clinical …

Uric acids and amorphous urates

Uric acid     Uric acid crystallizes in the orthorombic system. Uric acid crystals can appear under several shapes. The classic…

Iatrogenic crystalluria

The presence of iatrogenic crystals is a rare event. Except for the Indinavir crystal, a light crystalluria due to a medication or from a…

Rare crystals

Cystine The cystine is seen as colorless hexagonal plates. The solubility of the cystine is much larger in alkaline urine, with…

Calcium oxalates

In the urinary sediment, one can find two forms of calcium oxalate crystals. The most frequent form is the di-hydrated calcium oxa…

Phosphate crystals

Amorphous phosphates Amorphous phosphates is the name given to a granular precipitate containing calcium and phosphate in an al…

About crystals

Clinical significance Except for the cystine crystals and a few others, the majority of crystals found in the urinary sediment are of l…

The blood casts

About blood casts Blood casts are of prime clinical significance. Even a rare finding is indicative of renal "glomerular" blee…

Miscellaneous casts

Type II granular casts Granular casts (type II) are described by Lindner as hyaline matrix casts filled with granules similar t…
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