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Production Of Biofuel From Bacterial Fermentation

Biofuels from bacterial fermentation - Nature by dan freedigitalphotos.net Biofuel production has developed within existing industrial…

Whooping Cough Pertussis: How Often Is Vaccination Required?

Child Getting Immunized Against Diptheria, Pertussis & Tetanus  Data from the 2010 California pertussis outbreak reveals whooping …

Listeirosis: Listeria Bacteria and Food Poisoning

Recent Lysteria Outbreak from Contaminated Cantaloupes - Scott Bauer, USDA Listeria, a cold-tolerant microbe, can contaminate food …

Why do people still develop AIDS today?

Even though antiretroviral treatment can prevent the onset of AIDS in a person living with HIV, many people are still diagnosed with AIDS …

How is AIDS treated?

Antiretroviral treatment can significantly prolong the lives of people living with HIV. Modern combination therapy is highly effectiv…

Is there a cure for AIDS?

Is there a cure for AIDS? Worryingly, many people think there is a 'cure' for AIDS - which makes them feel safer, and perhaps tak…

What are the symptoms of AIDS?

A person is diagnosed with AIDS when they have developed an AIDS related condition or symptom, called an opportunistic infection, or an …
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