Another type of blood donation is autologous donation. This refers to transfusions in which the blood donor and the transfusion recipient are the s…
Blood donors are volunteers who provide a greatly needed service. About 4 million patients receive blood transfusions each year, and approximately …
out at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem has provided the first proof of molecular risk factors leading to type 2 diabetes, providing an "ear…
Scripps Research Institute have discovered that DNA stays too tightly wound in certain brain cells of schizophrenic subjects. The findings suggest …
Albumin, a protein manufactured by the liver and is essential for normal body functions . And helps the proportion of blood levels of alb…
Definition of blood Blood is a viscous liquid textures red, another of the forms of connective tissue fills the heart and is going on inside the…
Of the best compounds to clot and are used in the Department of Haematology (Haematology) DDT (EDTA) which is a Ethylene Diamine Tetra Acetic acid…