Recommendations for Antiviral Treatment of H1N1

For patients with confirmedorstronglysuspected infection with influenzapandemic(H1N1) 2009, when antiviral medications for influenzaareavailable,specificrecommendations regarding use of antivirals for treatment of pandemic (H1N1) 2009 influenzavirusinfectionareasfollows:
• Oseltamivir should be prescribed, and treatment started as soon as possible, for patients with severe or progressive clinical illness (strong recommendation, low-quality evidence). Depending on clinical response, higher doses of up to 150 mg twice daily and longer duration of treatment may be indicated. This recommendation is intended for all patient groups, including pregnant women, neonates, and children younger than 5 years of age.
• Zanamivir is indicated for patients with severe or progressive clinical illness when oseltamivir is not available or not possible to use, or when the virus is resistant to oseltamivir but known or likely to be susceptible to zanamivir (strong recommendation, very low-quality evidence).
• Antiviral treatment is not required in patients not in at-risk groups who have uncomplicated illness caused by confirmedor strongly suspected influenzavirusinfection (weak recommendation, low-quality evidence). Patients considered to be at risk are infants and children younger than 5 years of age; adults older than 65 years of age; nursing home residents;
pregnant women; patients with chronic comorbid disease including cardiovascular, respiratory, or liver disease and diabetes; and immunosuppressed patients because of malignancy, HIV infection, or other diseases.
• Oseltamivir or zanamivir treatment should be started as soon as possible after the onset of illness in patients in at-risk groups who have uncomplicated illness caused by influenzavirusinfection(strong recommendation, very low-quality evidence).