Risks for Hypoglycemia
When your Blood glucose levels drop too low, you may feel dizzy, shaky, irritable, sweaty, confused. You may even pass out or have a seizure if low blood glucose is not treated. Some causes may be skipping meals, taking too much diabetes medication, needing a change in medication, or increased activity. My patients with diabetes often say “When my blood Sugar is low I just eat something” or “I get shaky because I have diabetes.” But this may not be correct. Let's look at the proper way to treat hypoglycemia.
Follow the “Rule of 15”
This easy to remember guidance, called the "Rule of 15,"can help keep you safe:
• When you feel symptoms of low glucose, check your blood sugar
• Take 15 grams of fast acting carbohydrate
• Wait 15 minutes; check your blood sugar again
• If glucose is greater than 70 mg/dL then have a snack or the meal you may have missed
• If glucose is still less than 70 mg/dL – then repeat the treatment
• If you still have low glucose after treating a third time then call 911
When you have low glucose you need to eat 15 grams of fast acting carbohydrate such as 4 ounces of juice or 3-4 glucose tablets. Having a candy bar or chocolate is not recommended. These have a high fat content that will increase glucose much more slowly. Instead you need a treatment that will work fast.
Preventing Hypoglycemia includes not skipping meals, talking to your healthcare provider about changes in your medication, and checking your blood sugar regularly