Hepatitis virus (b) Hepatitis B

ebn benghazi
Estimated read time: 14 min
Source: The Book of diseases and liver transplantation - viral diseases and tumors of the liver and liver transplantation and schistosomiasis, cirrhosis and its complications, and adequate food for the liver and other patients. By Dr.. Ibrahim bin Hamad Interestingly, (the location of health thank Dr. Ibrahim Interestingly, for agreeing to deploy part of the book values at the site of health)
Viral hepatitis (b) is a major global health problem. In fact, the disease comes in second after tobacco as a cause of cancer. In addition, the hepatitis B virus (b) is more infectious than HIV, which causes AIDS. In the United States infected with 300 000 people each year. Almost 5900 people die annually as a result of the disease: 4,000 from cirrhosis of the liver; 1,500 of liver cancer; and 400 of the rapid development of hepatitis.

The risk of viral hepatitis (b) an estimated 5% in the United States. And the ratio of the risk greater for some groups. Most people who get hepatitis B and can resist being expelled from the body, but there are an estimated 5-10% bodies can not get rid of it would become carriers of the disease may develop when a small percentage of them to cirrhosis of the liver, liver cancer, liver failure, or death. In addition, the disease progresses at 10% of those infected become chronic and the person becomes the holder of the virus capable of spreading the disease to others. In the United States there are 1.25 million people infected with chronic infection, and a large percentage of them do not have symptoms. For the Arab world there are more than a million people carry the virus in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia alone. Fortunately, it is possible to prevent infection with the virus to get a vaccination protective of it and follow the ways of prevention.

What are the symptoms of HIV infection?
After infection with the virus 60-120 days symptoms start to appear. But the symptoms appear only in 50% of infected adults, and for infants and children, the percentage of the onset of symptoms are often less. Some people become very sick after contracting the virus.

The symptoms can include:

  • Jaundice (yellowing of the skin and eyes)
  • Turning the urine color to dark tea color
  • Turned to the light colored stool
  • As symptoms of influenza symptoms (loss of appetite, general weakness and fatigue, nausea and vomiting)
  • Fever, headache or pain in the joints
  • Skin rash or itching
  • Pain in the upper-right part of the abdomen
  • Do not bear to eat fat and cigarettes
These symptoms usually do not appear to the majority of patients infected with HIV but are more common in those who get infected are adults. The only way that can identify the disease is a blood test for this virus.

How is the infection?
We have viral hepatitis (b) in the blood and other body fluids (such as semen - vaginal discharge - breast milk - tears - saliva). And place of infection when exposure to these fluids during sexual intercourse *** the attic, the use of contaminated needles, by mouth, or through a cut or scratch in the skin. Able to viral hepatitis (b) live on the surface of contaminated materials for one month it is possible to infection by participating in the use of shavers or toothbrushes. However, in about 30% of the cases do not know the way in which it was infection.

If we can summarize the methods of transmission of the virus from one person to another as follows:

  1. From mother to fetus
  2. Transmission between family members
  3. Transmission through the practice *** Ye and body fluids
  4. Other ways is not known

Am I at risk of HIV infection?
Have you ever disease *** j?
Have you ever lived with my *** more than one partner?
Have you ever participated in the use of needles (injections) or participated in drug abuse by injection common?
Do you make dialysis or receive a blood transfusion or blood products?
Do you live with someone infected with HIV?
Have you ever been to the cupping of the tattoo, piercing to the ear or nose, or genital mutilation?
Can you share one of the tools in shaving or brushing teeth?
Do you work in the area exposed to when dealing with blood or other body fluids?

If you answered yes to any of the questions may be at risk of infection, viral hepatitis (b).

How can I prevent HIV infection?
  • Make sure that you and your family members may receive the 3 doses of vaccination.
  • Condom use when cohabitation of Ye *** (If you do not have a spouse did not receive immunity, vaccination and one of whom was pregnant or infected with the virus).
  • Wear gloves when you touch or any Tnzivk blood. In the absence of protective gloves is recommended when cleaning the area with the blood of another person used a piece of cloth and plenty of water after making sure that there are no wounds in the hands.
  • Avoid the common use of shaving tools (for example, razors in barber shops), toothbrushes or earrings that are placed in a hole of the ear or nose for ladies and tools used for this purpose and nail scissors, tools and cupping tattoos and circumcision.
  • Avoid engaging with others in the chewing gum or give the child food chewed by others.
  • Make sure to sterilize needles and equipment, medical equipment, such as joint use of the dentist.

Does the virus spread (b) through a simple transaction?
Not transmitted viral hepatitis (b) through simple transactions such as:

  • Handshake
  • Kisses do not carry the normal saliva
  • Eating food prepared by a person carrying the virus
  • Visit an infected
  • Playing with a child carrier of the virus
  • Sneezing or coughing
  • Eating and drinking from one pot

What happens after infection with HIV?
After infection the immune system to rid the body of the virus at 95% of adults and thus recover within a few months and will not be infected by once again due to the formation of antibodies to the virus which can be detected by a blood test called the anti HP as Anti-HBs. This means that the patient had been cured of this disease will not return to it again and not a carrier of the virus, which will not transmit the virus to others.

The result of this analysis, Anti-HBs is often positive when a person takes your vaccination of viral hepatitis (b).

For about 5% of adults and 25% to 50% of children less than 5 years and 90% of newborns infected with hepatitis viral (b) can not get rid of this virus and become so infected and (or) are carriers of this virus, which can transmitting the virus to other people.

What is the difference between the carrier of the virus and infected with the disease?
Carrier of the virus usually does not occur to him any signs or symptoms of the disease and the liver enzymes had to be normal, but it remains infected for many years or possibly for life and be able to transfer the virus to other. Most carriers of the virus do not suffer from a real problem with viral hepatitis (b) Although they live in good health, but few of them are more likely than others to chronic liver infection, cirrhosis and liver tumors. The tumors usually arise in people who have cirrhosis of the liver.

To prevent the transmission of this virus by the carrier of the virus must not:

  • The cohabitation of Ye *** only if the other party has immunity or had received the required vaccinations against the virus, but he should adhere to wear a condom
  • Donate blood or plasma or any of its members to others or share razors or toothbrushes or nail scissors
  • The dip in the swimming pools in case of wounds in the skin
And must be on the carrier of the virus:
  • See a specialist doctor every 6-12 months for the work of the necessary tests and make sure that the liver is fine
  • Away once and for all alcoholic drinks because of their devastating effect on the liver, especially for holders of this virus
  • Non-use of medicines only after consulting a doctor and under his supervision and because many drugs can affect the liver
  • Eating healthy, balanced diet and regular exercise
  • Examination of family members and give the vaccination to non-carriers of the virus and who do not have immunity
  • Be wary of becoming infected with the liver (d)
As with the disease is chronically infected with the virus infection which could not get rid of it within six months with a rise in liver enzymes. Chronic infection is confirmed by taking a sample of the liver and examine the activity of the virus in the blood HBe-Ag and HBV-DNA or the so-called analysis of the PCR. This means that the virus attacks the cells and if this continues, chronic active inflammation for a long time, it is possible appearance of fibrous tissue within the liver and this is called cirrhosis. And fibrosis lead to:
  1. To the roughness of the liver and swelling
  2. Pressure on the veins, thereby hindering the flow of blood and then brings pressure portal vein leading to the appearance of varices in the esophagus, stomach, and sometimes that may explode, causing bleeding appears in the form of vomiting, bloody or color shift stool to black and may lead to the appearance of ascites and exposure to an ill-brain and hepatic coma
  3. Increased susceptibility to the emergence of liver tumors.

Is there a cure for viral hepatitis (b)?
There are drug called interferon and interferon, which proved effective in controlling the disease in about 30% of patients. There are also some other drugs that have proved effective medication, such as newly Lamuvidine to Amoviden. Research is still ongoing to find other drugs are very effective and less complications. Now been the adoption of new property derivative developed for the interferon
Beige - peginterferon alfa-interferon and the results are actually very encouraging.

What about the pregnancy if the mother is infected or carriers of the virus (b)?
More than 90% of pregnant women with the virus transmit the infection to their babies at birth, but this must be on pregnant women testing hepatitis (b) during pregnancy to see if they are infected or not, and does not need to vaccinate all children immediately after birth to protect them from infection by the disease and acquire immunity to continue with them for a long time, the vaccination programForced against this virus for all births safeguarding them against the evil of HIV infection and is effective within 95%. 

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