1 - Application Information Analysis: -
You must be a complete analysis of information request. And must be on the laboratory technician or withdraw the blood to be sure all data request before the withdrawal of blood
We must ensure the following in the request before the withdrawal of the sample the following: -
1 - correct or clarify the patient's name
2 - the patient (only coming for the analysis - is reserved within the hospital - follow up after an operation or taking medication)
3 - the required analysis
4 - Some Aladvat may be necessary (such as age - gender - the doctor's report)
5 - Make sure there is any special requests
2 - equipment needed to draw blood: -
And the equipment must be derived in the laboratory prior to withdrawal or collection of the sample
1 - Pipe Evacuated tubes
Designed pipe of a certain size of the blood Once inside position of the tooth by the pressure caused by a rubber cover and the color of the cover tube refers to the content
2 - Injection Syringe
Can draw the sample injection and must be available in different sizes and for On receiving the have many disadvantages such as: -
1 - put a vein under pressure to equal the quantity to be withdrawn
2 - Aktar cost of the first and should not be used on a regular basis
3 - way relatively slower method of Vacutainer
3 - age Butterfly Butterfly
Allow for a withdrawal of blood from MEMRI of a small and very narrow nook
4 - Torngkeh Tourniquet 5 - Jointy Gloves 6 - Alcohol ALCOHOL
3 - and welcome reception and patient
1 - Stay professional in your dealings with the patient
2 - Identify yourself to the patient and shallow, and the process of withdrawing blood quickly
3 - necessary to make sure of the name corresponds to the patient so to know
4 - triple the patient's name
5 - Compare the name, made by the patient and the name written at the request analysis
4 - start racing in the clouds: -
1 - ask the patient to put his hand in a comfortable place
2 - ask him to extend his hand so that the face of the hand to the top
3 - Link Altorngkeh and Ronevi in the way between the elbow and the muscle between elbow and shoulder
4 - must be linked Altorngkeh hard enough until it becomes clear vein
5 - If the patient is suffering from skin problems connecting Altorngkeh over clothing or a piece of cloth
6 - chose to place intravenous carefully
7 - Avoid places that burned the skin and found
8 - if the patient Eachd injection into a vein should be selected vein or another the other hand
9 - determines the location given by intravenous and touching, but the ability to place intravenous gauged Palmas is more important than the ability to know and consider this of course comes expertly
10 - Ask the patient to close his hand caught
11 - The maximum length for connecting Altorngkeh is one minute
12 - if it was difficult to find a vein will be easier after the massage hand from the wrist to elbow, pushing blood to the vena
13 - Clean the vein place a piece of cotton an added alcohol concentration of 70 per cent and allow it to dry
14 - Do not touch Aalmkan after it has been cleaned
15 - Spread place your finger vein with the left hand
16 - Put a finger before the place of intravenous
17 - Age down the right hand finger on the left hand until the thing for taking an injection angle of 45 degrees
18 - Enter Age and gently and quickly let him off at the age of butterfly to the tube until it reaches 19 - Age and put out a piece of cotton
19 - Place the plaster on the place of clouds
20 - Avoid rubbing the area until the drawee is not taking place, including hemorrhage in the region, including Withdrawn