The Monospot Test is a blood test for Glandular Fever (Infectious Mononucleosis), an illness caused by the Epstein-Barr Virus (EBV).
How the Test is Performed
The Monospot Test (IM Test) requires a few millilitres of blood from a vein.
Medical Conditions and Symptoms
The symptoms of glandular fever include a flu-like syndrome with temperature, generalised aches of joints and muscles, headache, and tiredness. It is usually associated with a sore throat or tonsillitis, and swollen glands (lymphadenopathy) in the neck and elsewhere. A skin rash may be present, and is more likely to occur if the patient is taking an antibiotic called amoxycillin. The liver and spleen are sometimes mildly enlarged, and liver function tests may be mildly elevated.
Test Results Explained
A POSITIVE Monospot Test means that the individual has Infectious Mononucleosis (glandular fever).
A NEGATIVE Monospot in the second or third week of illness makes a diagnosis of infectious mononucleosis much less likely, but during the first week of illness the test may be falsely negative in about half of cases. If necessary, further testing for specific antibodies against the Epstein-Barr Virus - EBV serology - can be performed. The components of EBV serology include EBV IgM (usually indicates recent infection)and EBV IgG (usually indicates previous infection).