Of the best compounds to clot and are used in the Department of Haematology (Haematology) DDT (EDTA) which is a Ethylene Diamine Tetra Acetic acid is used specifically in this article pipes for analyzing the full picture of whole blood (CBC).
There are also other articles of the most important substance sodium citrate (Sodium citrate), which are used for in vitro coagulation analyzes the (Coagulation) and analysis of erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) and compounds of the clot also the following articles:
1. Oxlat combination of ammonium and sodium Oxlat.2. Oxlat sodium (Sodium oxalate)3 - heparin (Heparin).These materials are rarely used in the analysis of Department of Hematology.
When using the compounds of the clot should consider the following:
1. Make sure that a clot in the tube.2. The proportion of material that prevent clotting be reserved and fixed and only affected the cells.3. When you use anti-clotting material in the case of powder must be mixed well with the blood.4. When you add one of these materials to get the blood plasma.
If you do not add any of these compounds to clot the blood clot is known as the resulting liquid serum or serum.
* Serum or serum (Serum) is a plasma minus the clotting factors (Coagulation factors) and the birth of fibrin (fibrinogen) are consumed when the blood clot.
* The figure above shows the blood sample tube containing the anticoagulant, where I deposited in red blood cells, followed by white blood cells and platelets Buffy coat and top separate the plasma.