Brown needle like crystal

ebn benghazi
Estimated read time: 1 min

Bilirubin crystals from the urinary sediment of a patient with hepatitis. Bilirubin crystals are yellowish brown in the shape of small needle-like crystals, and often are phagocytized by white blood cells. Unstained, X400.

Safranine O crystals from urinary sediment of a patient. Safranine O is a component of Sternheimer-Malbin stain, and sometimes forms brown needle-like crystals in urinary sediment. Safranine O crystals are soluble in ethyl alcohol. There are red blood cells in the background. Sternheimer-Malbin stain, X400.

Sodium urate crystals from the urinary sediment of a patient with cystitis. The pH of the patient's urine was 6.5. These crystals are small, brown, needle-like crystals that are soluble in 10% acetic acid. There are white blood cells in the background. Unstained, X400.

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