Increasing resistance of bacteria to antibiotics

Increasing resistance of bacteria to antibiotics
There have become many types of dangerous bacteria , and even deadly , resistant to antibiotics , has become a problem on the rise . This is due to many reasons , including :

• excessive use of antibiotics in medicine and in the manufacture of foods

• frequent movement of people and transmission of these bacteria resistant to antibiotics quickly from one place to another of the world

Enjoy bacteria antibiotic-resistant genes equivalent to the effects of antibiotics , which makes these bacteria can not be destroyed , and this is really scary !

Can share bacteria in these genes and even move between each other, which is working on the deployment of resistance genes to antibiotics Alehiah quickly between many types of bacteria ; In 1991 , there were 15 gene known works on resistant bacteria , has doubled this figure now become more than 89 Gina .

The results of these resistance genes for new antibiotics :

• emergence of tuberculosis again
• the emergence of a type of deadly bacteria known Balmkorh cluster in hospitals
• emergence of cholera and venereal disease , meningitis , pneumonia, gangrene and other acute diseases
Patients need for a longer time to heal

Staphylococcal recorded more than 7600 cases in Britain in 2003 , and died more than 5000 people in the UK due to Staphylococcus aureus that are spread in hospitals.

The staphylococcal resistance to most antibiotics , especially penicillin , which makes them very dangerous , especially in hospitals.

Usually found in staphylococcal skin and in the nasal cavity and spread easily among people .

Pharmaceutical companies realized that he no longer antibiotic future due to the growing resistance of bacteria to them. This made it the pharmaceutical companies make a decision directing a small amount of money in the development of new antibiotics .

Therefore, it is important to return to the use of natural antibiotics found in nature , because the bacteria can not easily resist , as they are safe and work to strengthen the immune system and can be used all the time .
Methods you can use to reduce your exposure to the dangerous types of bacteria

• Keep on the strength of your immune system by eating a healthy . Use soap, shampoo and creams made ​​from tea tree oils if you have skin disease or had a family member is infected . People can people infected in the sinuses or cavities of the body inhaling steam tea oil ; placed where Qtrtan of tea tree oil in a pan of hot water and a clean towel placed on the patient's face Bastnchagaha for 15 minutes . Vzi tea tree antifungal powers and may effectively limit the spread of staphylococcal .

• taking supplements of vitamin C and selenium regularly to maintain a healthy white blood cells that work to fight bacteria .

• Eating foods that work as anti- natural vitality , including garlic, red onion and horseradish and all kinds of radish , citrus fruits and peppers all colors and root ginger , turmeric, chili , curry and other spices spicy . Avoid excessive intake of antibiotics or use them unnecessarily and I would recommend your family members to do so. Remember that antibiotics do not do anything in the common cold or flu. Albroobiotikat use that are found in yogurt that contains beneficial bacteria Kalmbannh acidophilus and Bifidobacterium cleft ; It keeps the numbers of beneficial bacteria in the intestines.

• proven that olive leaf extract has antibiotic properties , and is working to fight viruses, bacteria and parasites , and thus help to combat a wide range of microorganisms . Eating olive leaf extract in the form of capsules containing 35 milligrams of the active ingredient which is Alollerioubin it.
Tips to keep the devices that operate on the expulsion of toxins from the body

• Maintain healthy bacteria in the gut
• maintain a healthy liver
• maintain the strength of the lymphatic system
• Disease Control in general

Of the best herbs that achieve these things is Albarbaris herb wormwood , and thyme , and there are these herbs and the appropriate dose in some drives , such as Detox 1-2-3. The figures indicate 1-2-3 to what the three herbs ; since the Albarbaris beneficial for the intestines to the liver and the intestines useful Wormwood The thyme is good for the lymphatic system .

It is important to use products that contain the proper doses of these herbs , and you'll be surprised , but the appearance of these symptoms again within several weeks of abstinence from eating these herbs .

• Avoid excessive intake of sugar in your diet because it works on the multiplication of bacteria and fungi , especially in people who are overweight or diabetes . You can use Stevia or Zailitol instead of sugar .
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