Hardening of the arteries and heart attacks
Atherosclerosis is a gradual process that deposited the (groups) of cholesterol in the walls of arteries. Cholesterol plaques cause hardening of the artery walls and narrowing of the inner channel (lumen) of the artery. Which narrowed arteries because of hardening of the arteries can not supply enough blood to maintain the normal function of the body parts Almokhtlva. For example, hardening of the arteries in the legs due to reduced blood flow to the legs. Reduced blood flow in the legs can lead to pain in the legs while walking or exercising, and cause leg ulcers, or delay in the healing of wounds in the legs. Atherosclerosis in the arteries that supply blood to the brain can lead to vascular dementia (mental deterioration due to death Altdrigil brain tissue over many years) or stroke (sudden damage and death of brain tissue).
In many people, can be a hardening of the arteries have a silent (does not cause any symptoms or health problems) for years or decades. Atherosclerosis can begin as early as the teenage years, but symptoms or health problems usually do not arise until after puberty when it becomes a severe narrowing of the arteries. Can cigarette smoking, high blood pressure, and high cholesterol, and diabetes that have a role in accelerating the hardening of the arteries and lead to the emergence of symptoms and previous complications, especially in people who have a family history of early atherosclerosis.
Coronary atherosclerosis (or coronary artery disease) refers to the hardening of the arteries, which causes hardening and narrowing of the coronary arteries. And called on the diseases caused by reduced blood supply to the heart muscle from coronary atherosclerosis, coronary heart disease (CHD). Include coronary heart disease, heart attacks and sudden unexpected death, chest pain (angina), irregular heartbeat, and heart failure due to the weakness of the heart muscle.
Arteriosclerosis and angina pectoris
Angina (also referred to as angina) is chest pain or pressure that occurs when blood and oxygen to the heart muscle can not keep up with the needs of the muscle. When the coronary arteries are narrowed by more than 50 to 70 percent, and the arteries may not be able to increase the supply of blood to the heart muscle during exercise or other periods of high demand for oxygen. An adequate supply of oxygen to the heart muscle causes angina. Called angina that occurs with exercise or exercise angina Donations Item. In some patients, especially in people who suffer from diabetes, may occur a gradual decrease in blood flow to the heart without any pain or with just shortness of breath or fatigue in the early unusually.
Donations Item angina usually feels like pressure, heaviness, pressure, or pain in the chest. This pain may extend to the neck, jaw, arms and back, or even teeth, and may be accompanied by shortness of breath, nausea, or a cold sweat. Donations Item Angina usually lasts from one to 15 minutes and usually eases by placing a tablet of nitroglycerine under the tongue. Resting and nitroglycerin in order to work on the low demand of the heart muscle of oxygen, and thus relieving angina. Angina may be the first warning sign Donations Item of advanced coronary artery disease. Pain in the chest that lasts just a few seconds are the result of coronary artery disease rarely.
Angina can also occur in the case of intermission. In the case of angina intermission indicate that the more common coronary artery has narrowed to a critical degree that the heart is not receiving enough oxygen even in the case of intermission. Angina is rare may be due to coronary artery spasm (a condition called Prinzmetal's or variant angina). Unlike a heart attack, there is no permanent Adharr muscles with either angina or in the case of Donations Item intermission despite the fact that angina is a warning sign that there is an increased risk of heart attack in the future.
Hardening of the arteries and heart attacks
Sometimes plate surface cholesterol in coronary artery may rupture, and blood clot forms on the surface of the painting. Clot blocks the flow of blood through the artery and lead to a heart attack. The reason that lead to clot formation is largely unknown, but may include factors contributing to cigarette smoking or other nicotine exposure, the increase of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol, and elevated levels of catecholamines blood (adrenaline), high blood pressure, and other stimuli mechanical and biochemical.
Unlike angina Donations Item or rest, the heart muscle dies during a heart attack and muscle loss is permanent, unless blood flow can be restored quickly, usually within 1-6 hours.
While heart attacks can occur at any time, and heart attacks occur between 04:00 and 10:00 more due to high blood levels of adrenaline released from the adrenal glands during the morning hours. Increased adrenaline, as discussed previously, may contribute to the rupture of cholesterol plaques.
Only about 50% of patients who have heart attacks and warning of symptoms such as angina or angina Donations Item comfort before the heart attack, but these symptoms may be mild and ignored and unimportant.