Sulfonamide crystal

Sulfa crystals from the urinary sediment of a patient taking Sinomin (sulfamethoxazol). These crystals resemble crystals of uric acid or calcium oxalate, but sulfa crystals are soluble in acetone. Unstained, X400.

Sulfa crystals from the urinary sediment of a patient taking Baktar (sulfamethoxazol/trimethoprim). These crystals look like uric acid crystals, but are readily soluble in acetone, unlike uric acid. Unstained, X100.

Sulfa crystals from the urinary sediment of a patient with serious burn, and applied with Geben Cream (sulfadiazine Silver) all over the body. These crystals look like wheat bundles characteristically, but are readily soluble in acetone. Unstained, X400.