The study suggests organic food may not be the most nutritious, but also refers to how much we do not know

ebn benghazi
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The term "organic" refers to vegetable crops grown without pesticides or chemical fertilizers and genetic modification, and processed without chemical additives or irradiation. It also refers to meat products, poultry, eggs and dairy products raised / produced without antibiotics or growth hormones and fed organic grains and other foods.
There is some debate over whether to offer more organic food health benefits and food from conventionally produced food. Many people believe that organic foods are healthy, but study results are mixed. However, many people wonder how chemical pesticides and fertilizers additional safe and hormones in the body. It is a real problem of these chemicals can cause health problems and this, including increased risk of breast cancer cause.

To help in an attempt to answer the question of organic food is healthy both conventionally produced food, a group of researchers at Stanford University, an analyst previously conducted study published 237 organic food between January 1966 and May 2011. They included 17 studies in men and 223 studies on the levels of nutrients and pollutants in food performed.

The research was published online on Sept. 4, 2012 by Annals of Internal Medicine. Read the abstract of “Are Organic Foods Safer or Healthier Than Conventional Alternatives? A Systematic Review.”

Although the analysis did not show that organic foods are healthier than conventionally produced food, there are many limitations in the studies that were analyzed:

No long-term studies have analyzed the differences in health outcomes among people who eat mostly organic foods compared to people who eat mostly conventionally produced food. So I do not know if people who eat mostly organic are healthier than people who do not eat organic.
Even studies that examined health outcomes in a short time not seen in all cancer-related outcomes in general or specifically breast cancer.
Although none of the studies showed a direct relationship between exposure to pesticides and increased risk of breast cancer in humans, we do know that young farm workers are at increased risk for a variety of medical conditions.
It is also known that some of the most commonly used pesticides, including atrazine used in the production of maize, has been shown to mimic estrogen in laboratory animals.
And although the researchers could not say for certain that organic foods are healthier than conventionally produced food, the analysis showed some benefits:

Conventionally produced foods had a 30% greater risk of pesticide residue contamination compared to organic foods.
Two studies of children found lower levels of pesticide residues in the urine of children who ate mostly organic food compared to children eating conventionally produced food mainly.
Pork and conventionally produced chicken seems to have a 33% higher risk of being contaminated with bacteria that are resistant to three or more types of antibiotics compared with pork and organic chicken.
This analysis shows how much we do not know about the health effects of chemicals in the food we eat. Much more research is needed in this area.
If you have been diagnosed with breast cancer or are concerned about their breast health, the "better safe than sorry" principle makes sense here. And common sense suggests that the use of additional chemicals is probably healthy.
It is true that organic foods are generally more expensive than non-organic food. But eating conventionally grown fruits and vegetables is better than not eating fruits and vegetables because they can not afford organic products. If you're on a budget and do not have the luxury of buying organic whole, there are ways you can stretch your money for organic foods.
The Environmental Working Group (EWG) is an environmental health promotion based in the United States. The Working Group will review studies of pesticides and pollution rows in 45 of the most popular fruits and vegetables in the Buyer's Guide to Pesticides. Buyer's Guide makes it easier to decide what to buy organic.
For more tips on how to include more organic food in your diet, visit the Breast Cancer Risk Factors: Exposure to Chemicals in Food page in the Lower Your Risk section.
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