With dense breast tissue no effect Breast Cancer Survival

ebn benghazi
Estimated read time: 2 min
Dense breasts have less fat and more lean tissue compared with non-dense breasts. Mammography can help you and your doctor determine how your breasts are dense.

Research has shown that dense breasts:

       It can be six times more likely to develop cancer are
       can make it harder for mammograms, breast cancer, breast cancer (which looks white like breast tissue) can be seen more easily seen on a mammogram, when surrounded by fatty tissue (which is dark)

Other studies show that when women are diagnosed with breast cancer with dense breast tissue, the cancer is probably more aggressive.

Now a new study gives reassuring news for women with dense breasts, women with dense breasts have the same survival rates of breast cancer than women whose breasts are not dense.

The research was published online on Aug. 20, 2012 by the Journal of the National Cancer Institute. Read the abstract of “Relationship Between Mammographic Density and Breast Cancer Death in the Breast Cancer Surveillance Consortium.” 

The researchers examined the records of 9232 women with breast cancer from 1996 to 2005 in the U.S. Consortium breast cancer surveillance, diagnosis database of the National Cancer Institute supported. The records contain information on breast density of women.
The women were followed for approximately 6.5 years. During this time, 1795 women died of, 889 of them breast cancer.
Women who have dense breasts are more likely not. Breast cancer than women who die not dense breasts
Women were diagnosed with breast cancer or high-grade large and obese women with low breast density more likely to die from breast cancer.
The researchers noted that the risk factors for developing breast cancer is greatly influenced by factors that the risk of dying from breast cancer.
If you have dense breasts, this study should give you some peace of mind. If you do not know if you have dense breasts, it is a good idea to ask your doctor about your mammogram suggest about your breast density and breast density may affect the way your risk of breast cancer.
If you have a higher risk of breast cancer because you have dense breasts, are you and your doctor develop screening plan tailored to your personal situation. Are generally recommended screening guidelines:

a breast self-examination monthly
an annual examination of the breasts by your doctor
Digital mammography every year from Age 40 years
Digital mammography superior to mammography in women of film with dense breast tissue, regardless of age.
Your personal screening plan and the following tests are unable to detect the cancer as early as possible:

MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) of the chest
Talk to your doctor to develop a special program for early detection, which corresponds to your individual needs and your peace of mind.

keywords : breast cancer, breast, cancer symptoms, lung cancer, symptoms of cancer, colon, prostate cancer, prostate, colon cancer, thyroid cancer symptoms, ovarian cyst, melanoma cancer, breast cancer walk, what causes cancer , 

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