healthcare : Schneider Electric presents its intelligent healthcare solutions
Schneider Electric presents its intelligent healthcare solutionsSchneider Electric , the global specialist in energy management ,
leadership is exhibited in intelligent healthcare solutions at the
Second Forum Saudi Tree - day for Hospital Planning and Design , which
concluded on Thursday in Riyadh.Deputy Minister of Health Ahmed bin Ali Al- Baiz visited the Schneider
Electric booth at the exhibition held in the framework of the forum .Schneider Electric in his presentation at the " Hospital of the
Future" session focused on how the infrastructure for smart health
centers help meet the challenges of today and tomorrow in hospitals.The
forum was organized with support from the Ministry of Health Saudi
Umran Society , an association of architects Saudis care. The Forum this year is entitled ' . Constants
and variables in the planning and design of hospitals ' Yves Renaud ,
director of marketing solutions healthcare , Schneider Electric , said:
"Globally , demand for systems health care is increasing exponentially
with populations registering unprecedented growth . This puts enormous
pressure on health care providers in terms of finance , hospital
productivity , patient safety and satisfaction, and management of the
physical building itself."
In this scenario, a hospital building becomes even more daunting.
Hospitals need to meet the challenges and ensure greater attention to
patients is sustainable. Requires all this behind the scenes work and IT
plays an important role to significantly impact the infrastructure of health
centers . solutions healthcare now need to be integrated so that
advances in ICT and other mobility solutions are incorporated into the
global supply of the construction of the hospital . "In the exhibition, Schneider Electric has demonstrated its Segments solution for health care . The
software provides visibility throughout the facility and access to
critical data , helping to ensure the financial health of the hospital
and patient safety and optimal productivity personnel, hospital safety ,
and a caring environment .