In the eighth month of pregnancy, the eighth month of pregnancy

We talked earlier about the first subject of pregnancy and was entitled symptoms of pregnancy and have given you every pregnancy symptoms and have the grace of God to answer the question How do I know I am pregnant. I hope that the matter has attracted like it and that you have known the answer, and you know what are the symptoms of pregnancy today we'll talk about one month of pregnancy, a called the month of cosmetic touches, because the fetus has become fully developed and ready to go out into the world In this period, most doctors ask pregnant women to visit them twice a week until the time of birth.
In the eighth month of pregnancy
Together to recognize the symptoms of pregnancy in the eighth month, and what distinguishes it from other months of pregnancy: -
1. feel the lady in this month that the sense of motherhood has increased significantly.
2. accompanies this month, headache, fatigue and shortness of breath.
3. sense of dyslexia in digestion and burning in the stomach.
4. backache.
5. Mrs. be Mottaglh mood between joy and distress.
As for the baby: -
46 cm length of the embryo and the fetus weighing two kilograms and a half.
And the fetus is ready physically and incomplete coexistence outside the womb.
In this month's nails grow hands and feet of the fetus.
His skin is pink and can cry and to see also.
The length of the baby hair to 5 cm.