The importance of physical exercise to the body, the benefits of walking for weight loss, the benefits of walking for cancer prevention

There is no doubt that sports is one of the most important fundamentals to build human health are pious man of many diseases, but it needs a long time to show results so neglected by some people not to speed results and this is a big mistake most people it is located.
Who can physical exercise?
All people can exercise and the simple reason is that sports are important for all people, it is important for the elderly and a mission to pregnant women and people with disabilities also sport are important for both human and proper human patient task proper to man to keep him healthy and keep him out of diseases and the task of the patient is the man to help him heal and come back as it was.
Importance of walking?
Most doctors advise people of walking and so big importance in removing the accumulated fat is working to WEIGHT rumen
Tummy tucks and buttocks also whereupon the role of the accursed people who can not afford it, or in other words, no
Types of Dieting totally dependent on sports, especially hiking.
First, you must know what are the rules of walking properly
Must first wear cotton clothes walk through to be able to walk properly Boutrgah can absorb sweat caused by walking
You can not run in the daytime sun warm or streaming in crowded places
Must be a walk through the first data set foot heel and then fingertips then
Not running on the asphalt or hard ground it is possible to run on the dirt or agricultural land so as not to cause pain in the back
You can not run immediately after eating, where the purpose of running is not the loss of calories in the meal, but the prices are generally kinetic loss in the body
You can not run directly in the first, but you should start Im walking slowly and then faster walking with organizing the process of breathing and then run
In the case of body feeling tired stopped running or in the case of any of the diseases stopped the practice of running
Must regulate the body in walking through the body to be in the form of a straight line with the organization of breath
Activity should practice walking on the first day of the sport and can not begin to run and do any kind of sport turbine because it can lead to strain every muscle in the body once a person very tired and the inability to attendance
But it can do Im walking a short distance in the first and get used to increase the distance after so you do not get tired
Preferably taking the time to relax after jogging or walking up the body unable to comfort
Many of the wonderful benefits of walking:
Walking is clearly working to get rid of excess weight and slimming the body and increase the proportion of fat burning
Walking also helps in the treatment of diabetic patients through the practice of a specific time each day to do the sport of walking down
Walking helps reduce the incidence of disease, osteoporosis, which hurt women more than men as a result of repeated pregnancy and childbirth
Walking to work to reduce the incidence of disease, arthritis and inflammation of the nerves
Walking to work to help facilitate the process of digestion of food and non-constipation or indigestion
Walking helps in reducing the incidence of cancer is not a person sports are more likely than others in the cancer
Walking helps the person to sleep and not to Pacific Bay of unrest injury during sleep