Anticoagulants (clot inhibitors) Anticoagulants

ebn benghazi
Estimated read time: 4 min
Anticoagulants (clot inhibitors) Anticoagulants

Use of anticoagulants in the case of the use of samples of plasma or total blood as required by the experiment and it must add anticoagulant to a tube of blood collection case withdrawn immediately and usually closes the wall of a tube of blood collection in anti clotting, and it should be noted that the choice of anticoagulant should be based on consideration This counter will not affect the chemical analysis and this point is very important. Because the sources of coagulation are chemical compounds of salts of some metals such as sodium, potassium, lithium, so it can not be used anticoagulants of sodium and potassium salts when for analysis set electrolytes such as sodium and potassium, because that will lead to a greater positive error in the results of the analysis, but in such a case can be used anticoagulants for lithium or ammonium.

In the case of the analysis of calcium in the blood can be used sodium oxalate salt because this will remove all contain sample of calcium Petrsiba in the form of calcium oxalate is not.

As well as anticoagulants to discourage the effectiveness of some enzymes, such as enzyme phosphatase Acid Acid Phosphatase and phosphatase baseband Alkaline Phosphatase and enzyme dehydrogenase from lactate LDH The salts of potassium fluoride or sodium Vtthbt effectiveness of the enzyme urease, while operating effectiveness of the enzyme amylase, can also anticoagulants discredit the test pathological significance

These are some of the types of materials to blood coagulants.

1 - Heparin Heparin

Is a material that is against clotting, one of the basic components of blood, but there is a concentration is not enough to prevent blood clotting, and generated heparin from liver cells it is a high concentration in the liver and is also present in the pulmonary cells has been possible to disconnect and isolate urgently amorphous liver extract, Lung, and is distinct from the the other being that does not interfere with any test of chemical analysis tests, and heparin is Mecotiin many sulfuric acid Muccoitin Polysulphouric - Acid, one of the polysaccharides can be obtained commercially at present of sodium salts Sodium Heparin or potassium salt Potassium Heparin or lithium salt Lithium Heparin

Heparin acts as an thrombin where Antithrombin prevents the transfer or conversion of prothrombin to thrombin Prothrombin Thrombin and thus prevents the formation of fibrin Fibrin Fibrinogen to fibrinogen and clotting process to take place in two stages as follows:

Prothrombin  Thrombplastic Activity Factor ► Thrombin

Fibrinogen  Thrombin ► Fibrin (blood colt)

And heparin needs to Assistant Cofactor worker to do his job.

Heparin is added 20% units per ml of blood, and since it does not dissolve in the case, therefore, out of solution is often used and dried, Alr the walls of the tube to be in direct contact with the blood and the effect the best you can, and still high oil prices and temporary effect of constraints used in laboratories If compared to other coagulation .bamadadat, contains sodium heparin at least 110 units / mg is usually used concentration of about 0.2 mg / ml of blood.

2 - potassium oxalate Potassium Oxalates

This works the counter at the deposition ions of calcium and thus prevents blood clots and preferably used for easy melting, usually need 10-20 mg of oxalate of potassium to prevent clot 10 ml of blood and 2 mg per one ml of blood is used This adapter is usually a concentration of 30% and titrate to pH PH = 7.4 by adding potassium hydroxide solution or oxalic acid solution is worth mentioning that 0.1 ml of potassium oxalate solution reddish enough to prevent clotting 10 ml of blood.

3 - Sodium fluoride Sodium Fluoride

Usually used as a preservative for glucose estimation in the blood, but it is used as an anti-clotting (weak), and when used as a preservative in addition to the presence of anticoagulant such as potassium oxalate, it would be an effective concentration of about 2 mg / 1 ml of blood and starts its effect by inhibiting system common enzymatic in Glycolysis process which leads to a lack of focus, and bring the pipe container for this to the mix by dissolving 4 g of sodium chloride with 12 g of potassium oxalate in 200 ml of water, one drop placed in each tube per 1 ml of blood and dried tubes to a lesser degree than 100 m heat.
As a general rule Viz fluoride should not be used when the sample collection for enzymatic estimates or when it is used in the test reagent Reagent (length enzymatic) such as urease Urease method for estimating urea.

4 - ethylene diamine quad-acetic acid

Ethylene Diamine Tetra Acetic Acid (EDTA)

Preferably use this counter in Hematology Hematology tests, in particular, where he works to maintain the cellular components from damage usually is used disodium salt or binary potassium concentration of approximately 1-2 mg / ml of blood and attributed the effectiveness of this Aalmlh as an anti-coagulant to its ability to link with blood calcium and sequestration entirely to play a role in the coagulation process. 

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