Listeria is a risk for the pregnant women & infants & the elderly

ebn benghazi
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Listeria is a risk for pregnant women, infants, the elderly
A bacteria called listeria is the cause of several recent high-profile food recalls.
Sabra Dipping Co. recalled 30,000 cases of hummus Wednesday due to the bacteria that can cause symptoms such as diarrhea, nausea and cramps. There were no reports of conditions that with respect to contamination, according to the Food and Drug Administration.
Although most people with listeriosis better on their own, can invade listeria the bloodstream, brain or spinal cord in people whose immune systems are too weak to fight the bacteria, says Robert Sleek, an emergency physician at Lenox Hill Hospital in New York. Prove up to 20% of these "invasive" cases of listeriosis be fatal, he says.
About 90% of people who listeria infections are seriously pregnant women, newborn babies, people older than 64 or those with a weakened immune system, such as patients with cancer or HIV, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Listeria can cause miscarriage and preterm labor, says Smooth. It can also lead to meningitis, an inflammation of the membrane around the brain and spinal cord, or encephalitis, an inflammation of the brain, he says.Officially ill Rien only 1,600 Americans a year, according to the CDC. It is likely that many more people with diarrhea, cramps and nausea, but never suffer ill to a doctor, but at home and use over-the-counter drugs, says Smooth.
Listeria is the third leading cause of food poisoning, according to the CDC. A total of 48 million Americans suffer from some type of food poisoning each year. About 3,000 die from it.
In a way, the hummus recall is a positive development, because the listeria contamination was detected before someone got sick, says Bill Marler, a prominent attorney food safety based in Seattle. He notes that the listeria was found by Michigan officials during a routine examination in a Kroger supermarket.
"The recall does two things," said Marler. "It takes product from the market. It also helps companies pay much more attention in these factories. As soon as the error is in a cold, damp environment, it is really hard by. Get rid Hopefully, this will be cleaned more frequently invited and environmental assessment within facilities. "
Beef recalls were once together by contamination with E. coli, says Marler. But these recalls prompted companies to make important changes. Today beef are less common callbacks.
Some foods pose a greater risk of listeria than others, according to the CDC. Foods that carry a higher risk of listeria contamination are raw sprouts, raw milk, soft cheese, sausage, sausages and smoked seafood.
On Tuesday, the Blue Bell Creameries a recall expanded in an Oklahoma-conditioning as the number of people diagnosed with listeriosis produces ice after eating the ice has grown to eight.In January Bidart Bros. California Granny Smith and Gala apples reminds than 35 people were sickened with listeriosis after consuming prepackaged caramel apples, according to the CDC. Thirty-four people were hospitalized; seven died.
In one of the largest eruptions Rien melons were sold by Jensen Farms, connected by 147 cases and 33 deaths in 2011, according to the CDC.
Remember as ice shows, not necessarily to kill freezing foods Listeria says Smooth. The bacteria can survive in refrigerators, when the temperature is below 39 degrees.

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