Rubber stoppers used indicate a cover in blood collection tubes to the
presence or absence of additives to the tube, which is usually portfolio
or anti-clotting materials, materials are preservatives to prevent
changes in the sample and anticoagulants to prevent form clot and
prevent clotting and use special tubes deflated called Vacutainer Tube
These tubes are classified into the following types:
1 - the tube with a red cover Red Tube:
and be free of additives such as anticoagulants, there are types of
which is added to the silicon element or gels Gel (be red or black
color) for the purpose of minimizing the bloody decomposition process
and use such pipes in the blood bank and some chemical tests routine and
hormones as used in section chapels Serology, and ranges necessary size
to that of 2-10 ml As for newborn babies shall be taken at least 0.7 ml
of blood with a comma material for serum and should not shake or stir
or move the blood after collection, but leave for 15 minutes until all
the blood clot then centrifuge process begins to separate blood cells
from serum or plasma.
2 - the tube with a purple cover Lavender Tube:
and be additive is EDTA tube is filled with one ml of EDTA per 2 ml of
blood or 2 ml of EDTA per 5 ml of blood used in the tests of blood and
immune and blood bank and testing chemical and when needed elements
comic CBC, such as red blood cells and tests count differential white
blood cells Differential, and contain, this tube is often the sodium
EDTA this tube and mix completely after blood collection, but gently and
quietly blend until fully material is being distributed anticoagulant
on the tube components of the blood.
3 - Tube with green cover Green Tube: and be added to either sodium or lithium heparin Li.
Heparin and be required size is 10 ml and used in the analysis of the
Department of Cellular Genetics Cytogenetic as well as to measure the pH
PH and blood gases and electrolytes, hormones, amino acids and
measuring the concentration of therapeutic drugs and test dehydrogenase
enzyme glucose-6-phosphate G6PDH
4 - Tube blue cover Blue Tube:
and be added to sodium Street Sodium Citrate where added at least 2.7
ml of it similar to the blood of any size 2.7 ml of blood or added 4.5
ml of sodium Street to the blood and used for analyzes such as blood
clotting Coagulation test Alvebrnugen Fibrogen Factor factor,
prothrombin time PT prothrombin time and partial PTT
5 - Tube with a yellow cover Yellow Tube:
The material is placed in a comma for serum such as gels and taken 5 ml
of blood is used in the Department of chapels and in the newborn shall
be taken at least 0.3 ml of blood with the presence of an additive EDTA
6 - Tube with a gray cover Gray Tube: used to set the level of glucose
and containing potassium fluoride, which prevents glucose concentration
change by turning off the decomposition of sugar in the blood cells.
الجدول التالي يبين لون أغطية الأنابيب ونوع صورة الدم والمادة المضافة The following table shows the color of the pipe coverings and blood type and image of the additive
اللون The color | نوع صورة الدم Blood type image | المادة المضافة Additive |
أحمر - أسود Red - Black | سيرم SERUM | لا يوجد مادة مضافة إنما مادة فاصلة مثل الهلام There is an additive but material such as a comma jellies |
أصفر Yellow | دم كامل Full blood | لا يوجد مادة مضافة إنما مادة فاصلة مثل الهلام There is an additive but material such as a comma jellies |
أخضر Green | بلازما أو دم كامل Plasma or whole blood | هيبارين الصوديوم أو الليثيوم أو الأمونيوم Heparin sodium or lithium or ammonium |
أرجواني Lilac | بلازما أو دم كامل Plasma or whole blood | الصوديوم الثنائي مع EDTA أو البوتاسيوم الثنائي مع EDTA Sodium duo with EDTA or potassium duo with EDTA |
أزرق Blue | بلازما أو دم كامل Plasma or whole blood | صوديوم ستريت Sodium Street |
رمادي Gray | بلازما أو دم كامل Plasma or whole blood | أكزالات الصوديوم أو البوتاسيوم ، كلوريد الصوديوم ، صوديوم يود أستيت Sodium or potassium oxalate, sodium chloride, sodium would like Astete |