Arthritis : What is Arthritis Symptoms - Causes - and Treatment ?

 Arthritis (Overview)
he term arthritis (Greek arthron: joint, and itis Latin: inflammation) designates more than one hundred different diseases which are characterized by pain of the joints, ligaments, tendons, bones, or other elements the musculoskeletal system. (The special section arthritis has specific sheets on several of these conditions.)

It used to be rather used the word rheumatism (reumatismus the Latin for "flow of moods") to refer to all these conditions. This term is now considered obsolete.

Nearly 1 in 6 Canadians aged 12 and over suffer from some form of arthritis or another, according to Statistics Canada 2. According to another source (The Arthritis Society), 4.6 million Canadians suffer from arthritis, 1 million of inflammatory arthritis. In France, 17% of the population suffers from osteoarthritis.

Note. Some forms of arthritis are characterized by the presence of inflammation , but not all. Inflammation is a natural response of the body to an irritated or infected tissue. It causes swelling, pain and redness in the affected body area.

Arthritis can occur after trauma, infection or simple wear and tear, but can also be the consequence of a disease autoimmune in which the body attacks its own tissues. Sometimes we find no reason to explain the symptoms.
Arthritis forms

The two main forms:
  •     Osteoarthritis is the most common arthritis; they say it is formed "to wear". It is a degenerative arthritis. Destruction by wear of the cartilage that covers and protects the bone of the joint and the appearance of small bony outgrowths characteristic of this disease. It mainly affects joints that support most of the body weight, such as the hips, knees, feet and spine. Osteoarthritis is often associated with age, or caused by overweight or even by repeated use of a joint in the practice of a sport. It rarely appears before the quarantine.
  •     Rheumatoid arthritis is an inflammatory disease. The joints of the hands, wrists and feet are often the first affected. Other organs may be affected, because inflammation affects the entire body. This type of arthritis usually occurs around 40 to 60 years, but can occur at the beginning of adulthood. Rheumatoid arthritis is 2 to 3 times more common in women than in men. Although scientists have not yet discovered the cause, it seems to be of autoimmune origin and influenced by heredity.

Other forms of arthritis, the most common:
  •     . Infectious arthritis It can occur when an infection reaches directly a joint and causes inflammation;
  •     Reactive arthritis. This form of arthritis also occurs as a result of an infection. But in this case, infection does not fall directly into the joint;
  •     Juvenile arthritis. A rare form of rheumatoid arthritis that occurs in children and adolescents, and that often reduces with age;
  •     Psoriatic arthritis. A form of arthritis which is accompanied by lesions of the skin typical of psoriasis;
  •     Gout and pseudogout: the deposition of crystals in the joints, in the form of uric acid in cases of gout or calcium phosphate in case of pseudogout, causes inflammation and pain, often in the big toe first.
In all inflammatory arthritis, connective tissue affected by inflammation. Connective tissues are used as support and protection to the organs. They are found in the skin, arteries, tendons, around organs or at the junction between two different tissues. For example, the synovial membrane, which lines the cavities of the joints, is a connective tissue.
  •     Lupus. It is considered a form of arthritis since it is part of chronic autoimmune diseases. It is a connective tissue disease that may cause, in its most common form and the more serious inflammation of the skin, muscles, joints,kidneys,heart,blood vessels,nervous system , and the lungs .
  •     Scleroderma. A chronic autoimmune disease characterized by hardening of the skin and connective tissue damage. It can affect the joints and cause the typical symptoms of the inflammatory type of arthritis. Systemic scleroderma may reach internal organs such as the heart, lungs, kidneys and the digestive system.
  •     Ankylosing spondylitis. Chronic inflammation of the back vertebrae joints which develops gradually and results in stiffness and back pain, torso and hips.
  •     Sjögren's syndrome. A serious autoimmune disease that primarily affects the glands and mucous membranes of the eyes and mouth, causing a drought of such bodies by decreased production of tears and saliva. In its elementary form, it only reaches these glands. In its secondary form, it can be associated with other autoimmune diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis and lupus.
  •     Polymyositis. A rare disease that causes inflammation in the muscles, which then lose strength.

Other diseases are linked with different forms of arthritis and sometimes form in association with them, such as plantar fasciitis, fibromyalgia, Lyme disease , bone Paget's disease, Raynaud's disease and tunnel syndrome Carpal .

Most arthritic diseases are chronic. Some will cause the deterioration of joint structures. In fact, the stiffness decreases the mobility of the joint and surrounding muscles atrophy, accelerating the progression of the disease. Over time, the cartilage is eroded, the bone becomes worn and the joint may deform.
The symptoms and risk factors of arthritis

The different forms of arthritis have their own symptoms and their own evolution which vary considerably among individuals. For example, osteoarthritis is manifested mostly by pain and stiffness in a single joint. As for rheumatoid arthritis, it is often accompanied by swelling and redness in several joints.

Note however that joint and musculoskeletal pain is common to all types of arthritis.

Risk factors

Risk factors vary depending on the type of arthritis. Check out all of our listings in the special section arthritis.
 Prevention of arthritis
There are several ways to reduce the risk of degenerative arthritis, like osteoarthritis. The most effective way is certainly maintaining a healthy weight. For other resources, visit our osteoarthritis sheet. However, regarding inflammatory arthritis, very little is known means of prevention.

Many people with arthritis, regardless of the type of arthritis, are able to reduce their pain by changing their lifestyle and using a variety of health practitioners (physiotherapists and kinesiologists, occupational therapists, massage therapists, etc.).

Arthritis Pain

Arthritis pain is experienced differently from one person to another. Its intensity depends largely on the severity and extent of disease. Sometimes the pain fades temporarily. Daily activities often need to be reorganized accordingly.

We do not understand yet all the biological mechanisms involved in the genesis of arthritis pain. Still, it seems that the depletion of oxygen in tissues plays an important role. This lack of oxygen itself is caused by the inflammation in joints and tension in muscles. That is why anything that helps relax muscles and promotes blood circulation in the joints relieves pain. Furthermore, fatigue, anxiety, stress and depression increase the perception of pain.

Here are various ways to reduce pain and stiffness, at least temporarily.
Rest, relaxation and sleep

The first weapon against arthritis pain is rest, especially for people in whom the stress, anxiety and nervous fatigue are present. Breathing exercises, relaxation techniques and mental meditation are ways to help the body achieve relaxation. (For more information on this subject, see our file Stress and anxiety). It is recommended to enjoy nights of sleep at least 8 to 10 hours to minimize the pain.
Exercise: essential

People with arthritis should do the exercise to maintain joint mobility and maintain muscle mass. Exercise also has an analgesic effect because it causes the release of endorphins in the body. However, it is important to aim for a balance between periods of rest and activity, "listening" his body. Fatigue and pain are good indicators. When they appear, it is better to take time to relax. By cons, too much rest can cause stiffness in joints and muscles. The objective is therefore a balance between periods of activity and relaxation, which will be unique to each.

Several exercises are possible, one should choose those that suit us, up there gradually. It is better to use the services of a physiotherapist (kinesiologist) or occupational therapist in situations where certain tasks are difficult to accomplish. The movements must be regular, smooth and slow. Practiced in hot water, the exercises cause less stress on the joints. See also the set of tastes and needs in detail Fitness.

It is suggested to combine different types of exercises to reap the benefits of each.
  •     Stretching helps to maintain traction and flexibility of muscles and tendons, while reducing joint stiffness. They should be performed smoothly and maintained in 20 to 30 seconds;
  •     The amplitude exercises designed to maintain the normal capacity of the joint by turning it full amplitude of movements. They prepare the joint for endurance and strength training exercises;
  •     Endurance exercises (such as swimming and cycling) improve cardiovascular fitness and overall fitness, increase well-being and help in weight control;
  •     Strength training exercises are used to preserve or develop the muscles needed to support the affected joints.

The Arthritis Society, a nonprofit organization dedicated to the well-being of people with arthritis, offers various body awareness exercises (such as tai chi and yoga) to improve balance, posture and breathing.

Beware of excess! If pain persists for more than one hour after exercise, better talk to her physiotherapist and reduce the intensity of effort. Also, unusual tiredness, swelling in the joints or a loss of flexibility are signs that the exercises are not suitable and must be changed.

Applying heat or cold to sore joints can provide short-term relief, regardless of the form of arthritis.

-. Hot Heat must be applied when muscles are sore and tense. Heat provides a relaxing effect, but especially a better blood circulation in the joints (which relieves pain). One can take a shower or bath fifteen minutes in hot water or apply heat bags or hot water bottle on sore areas.

-. Cold Cold can be useful in acute inflammation period, when a joint is swollen and painful. An ice pack surrounded by a thin, wet towel locally applied for 15 to 20 minutes has a numbing effect and relieves pain. Cold is however suggest not apply on a joint already numb.

Cons-indication. Thermotherapy is cons-indicated in the presence of disturbances of blood flow, including those caused by diabetes with circulatory complications and Raynaud's disease.
Massage therapy

The massages have the effect of relaxing the muscles and relax the entire body, relieving pain and cramps. It is important to talk about his condition so that the massage therapist adapts his practice accordingly. One can also combine massage thermotherapy, for example by taking a hot water bath in a jetted tub. The gentle Swedish massage, Californian massage, Esalen massage and Trager approach are less sturdy and therefore better suited for people with arthritis 1. Visit our Massage Therapy sheet for an overview of the various massage techniques.

Healthy weight

People who are overweight and who have arthritis would benefit from losing the extra kilos. Even a modest weight loss is beneficial to reduce pain. This measure is particularly important in the case of arthrosis, since the overweight is a major risk factor, but also for other forms of arthritis. To calculate your body mass index or BMI (which determines the healthy weight depending on the size), make our test What's your BMI? .
The support network

Membership of a social support network can help deal with the pain and physical limitations caused by arthritis. Exchange its concerns about the disease, break the isolation, learn about new treatments and avenues being explored by medical research, share its "recipes" effective for living with arthritis or even engage in agency mutual assistance are all possible within the reach of all. In addition to support groups, The Arthritis Society offers a "self-help program against arthritis": 6 2 hours of training provided by qualified volunteers to learn how to manage pain, prevent fatigue, etc. The Arthritis Society also offers another program, a single 2 hour workshop on the management of chronic pain.
See the Sites section of interest.
 Medical treatments and complementary approaches to arthritis
Medical Treatment

There is no definitive cure for overcoming arthritis. In general, the drugs help decrease the symptoms specific to inflammation, such as pain and swelling, or act directly at the source of inflammatory processes to slow the progression of the disease.

If drugs are more effective and that the loss of function of a joint is important, the doctor may suggest reconstructive surgery or joint replacement.

View the files in our special section to preview Arthritis medical treatments specific to each type of arthritis.

Complementary Approaches

No alternative or traditional approach could claim only treat arthritis completely, so distrust is in order before the promises of "miraculous healing". However, complementary approaches may help relieve symptoms. This is the case, for example, glucosamine to alleviate pain associated with osteoarthritis.

For details, see each of files in our special section arthritis.
 The opinion of our doctor about arthritis
Unfortunately, learning to live with pain every day is the lot of many people with arthritis. Often the pain is chronic, although in some cases, remission can grant a respite. I can only recommend you to set as possible application, the advice in the Prevention section (rest, relaxation, sleep, exercise a balance respecting and listening to his body, thermotherapy). Besides drugs prescribed by your doctor, I highly recommend you to use a multidisciplinary approach including physiotherapy, occupational therapy and psychotherapy if needed. Complementary approaches, such as acupuncture and massage therapy can also help. Finally, a support group such as the Arthritis Society could be very profitable for you.
 Landmarks and Arthritis support groups
To learn more about arthritis, Passeportsanté.net offers a selection of associations and government websites dealing with the subject of arthritis. You will be able to find additional information and contact communities or support groups allow you to learn about the disease.


Canadian Arthritis Patient Alliance
An organization of volunteers who themselves suffer from arthritis, which is to the defense of the interests of people with arthritis. Political actions aimed among other better access to care and medicines.

The Arthritis Society
Consumer portal that aims to make available extensive information on treatment of different types of arthritis, managing pain, adapted exercises * services by province, etc.
Toll-free in Canada: 1-800-321-1433
* Adapted exercises:

Quebec Association for Chronic Pain
An organization that works to break the isolation of people with chronic pain and improve their well-being.

Guide Santé Québec government
For more on drugs: how to take them, what are the cons-indications and possible interactions, etc.

Patient organization that provides support and information for people with rheumatoid arthritis or other chronic inflammatory joint disease.

French Association of Anti-Rheumatic

Rheumatism in 100 questions
This site was developed by the medical and paramedical team of musculoskeletal pole of the Cochin Hospital (Assistance Publique-Hôpitaux de Paris). There are strong practical information.
United States

Arthritis Foundation
This American foundation Atlanta offers several resources and services. A source that contains recent articles on pregnancy in women with arthritis (search in the site). English only.

Bone and Joint Decade (2000-2010)
An initiative born in January 2000 within the United Nations to encourage research on the prevention and treatment of arthritis, improve access to care and better understand the mechanisms of disease. To keep up with the latest news. 


Note: The hypertext links to other sites are not updated continuously. You can become a link not found. Then please use the search tools to find the desired information.
InteliHealth (Ed). Diseases and Conditions - Arthritis overview, Aetna InteliHealth. [Accessed January 5, 2011]. Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research (Ed). Diseases & Conditions - Arthritis, [Accessed January 5, 2011]. National Institutes of Health. National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases, Health Information - Arthritis. [Accessed 19 October 2009]. National Library of Medicine (Ed). Medline Plus Health Information, Health topics (or other) - Arthritis, Medline Plus. [Accessed 19 October 2009]. National Library of Medicine (Ed). PubMed, NCBI. [Accessed 19 October 2009]. Elizabeth Garel, Beverly Holmes and Lu-Ann Murdoch. Report arthritis, Female Health, September 2003. The Arthritis Society. [Accessed 19 October 2009].
1. The Arthritis Society. Publications and Resources, Arthro-Express (review) vol. 11 4 - Gifts that are good. [Accessed 19 August 2009]. 2. Statistics Canada, Health Survey Survey (CCHS 3.1), 2005.
3. website AFLAR
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