Type 1 diabetes: blood sugar under control

Derailments of blood glucose upward or downward can be dangerous. With proper precaution to avoid them most

 For various reasons, the blood glucose levels may occur in patients with type 1 diabetes upwards ( hyperglycemia ) or down ( hypoglycaemia, technical term hypoglycemia ) refuse. Below you can read what is important in such cases. To respond properly and to be able to counter well in advance, you should already previously denied precisely with the doctor how best to proceed, if the values ​​are too high or too low.

Ketoacidosis: Excessive values

When ketoacidosis is a rare, but very dangerous complication of type 1 diabetes. It arises at an absolute insulin deficiency. For this it comes about when the patient forgot insulin injections or an insulin pump is defective. Without insulin, no sugar passes from the blood into the cells. This attempt then to cover their energy needs by strengthening degrade fat. This produces ketone bodies, leading to acidification of the blood. Tried the body, the ketone bodies and the excess glucose from the blood by the kidneys and filter out the urine, threatening severe dehydration, coma and circulatory failure. 
 Typical symptoms are excessive thirst, nausea or abdominal pain or a smell of acetone in breath, reminiscent of nail polish. Even high blood glucose levels from 250 mg / dl (14 mmol / l) are an important warning. Suspicion of ketoacidosis, patients should make a Azetontest in urine immediately. (Appropriate test strips are available in the pharmacy, best keep stock at home). If the test is positive, must instantly countermeasures are taken, which have been agreed with the doctor: Set physical activity immediately, drink plenty of fluids, inject insulin, control blood sugar closely. Ketoacidosis untreated can lead to a life-threatening diabetic coma. If in doubt, or when symptoms persist, the ambulance (112) to call.


Much more common than ketoacidosis are called hypoglycaemia. From a hypo is talk in general, if the blood sugar levels to below 50 mg / dl (2.7 mmol / l) falls. A clear definition does not exist, however. Common causes are errors in measuring or syringes or a wrong eingeschätzter carbohydrate content of the food. Even greater physical effort or a forgotten meal may have low blood sugar result. The same applies to alcohol: Builds the liver alcohol from, it can emit less sugar in the blood. So may fall in blood sugar several hours after the consumption of alcohol in a hazardous area. Because many people drink alcohol especially in the evening, the hypoglycaemia occurs frequently at night, without the persons concerned to take countermeasures. Who drinks beer or wine, should adjust their insulin dose accordingly, less splash and take extra carbohydrates for prevention of nocturnal hypoglycemia. For detailed information about hypoglycaemia, see our guide .

Symptoms of low blood sugar

Early signs of a hypo are sweating, paleness, faintness or palpitations. Later visual and speech disorders, anxiety and cravings occur. Finally, loss of consciousness and seizures are possible. From which values ​​the symptoms varies from patient to patient.
The correct response to hypoglycemia is part of every training. Patients learn to recognize symptoms as early as possible to test in doubt at the first signs immediately blood sugar and supplying carbohydrates that raise blood sugar quickly. Here is dextrose in the first place. Each treated with insulin diabetics should some flakes have at hand, during the day and at night. best take glucose with liquid, so that it passes quickly into the bloodstream. Even sugary sodas and colas or fruit juices are viable alternatives. Fatty sweets like chocolate or marzipan is less suitable because fat delays the absorption into the blood. A blood glucose test should follow the carbohydrate intake (before washing hands not forget, otherwise the values ​​may be biased).
In fact, it is not so easy to recognize the first signs of a reliable. Individually different they already occur at slightly, and only then, with significantly low blood sugar levels on. In addition, the perception of the early symptoms are lost when the organism is constantly exposed to hypoglycaemia. Then relatives, colleagues or teammates are asked to press for the administration of glucose. The principle safety of the person concerned has priority in any case. It should therefore timely action is taken.

: help quickly If unconscious

If a diabetic in Unterzucker unconscious, relatives can help by spraying the unconscious glucagon under the skin. There is also a syringe set that vulnerable patients may be prescribed by the doctor. The hormone glucagon as a direct antagonist of insulin raises blood sugar levels by mobilizing the sugar reserves of the liver. Diabetics should therefore inform their members about how to manage low blood sugar, so that they know in an emergency, what to do. The glucagon syringe set needs to be stored in the refrigerator and is only a few months. Is not the hand glucagon syringe set, the ambulance (112) should be recalled. It is crucial that the patient is helped quickly.
A time collected blood sugar does not harm the body. But frequent severe hypoglycaemia with loss of consciousness endanger the brain especially of younger children. Deaths in hypoglycemia are possible but rare. The real threat assumes that sufferers in hypoglycemia might lose control. Who suffers a hypo while driving or working in dangerous territory, risked driving license and work, bring themselves and others in danger. Such problems are not uncommon, especially since the perception of Unterzuckerungssymptome often subsides after a long duration of diabetes. In special training courses (called hypoglycemia unawareness Training) patients learn to avoid hypoglycaemia, timely identification a sinking blood sugar and then to respond appropriately.
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