Male Fertility Surgery

Male Fertility Surgery

If you have a vasectomy or struggle with other fertility problems, you may want to know that many surgical options are available to restore your fertility. In the past, male fertility was difficult to solve and sometimes not even treated. Fortunately, however, times have changed. In fact, today's microsurgical techniques have made it possible to correct many male fertility problems. If you are faced with male fertility problems, surgery may be the right step for you.

Reasons for surgery

If you can not produce sperm in your ejaculate, you might want to consider a form of male infertility surgery. New surgical methods developed over the last ten years have made it much easier to restore your sperm, allowing you to feed a child. There are a number of reasons why your sperm flow can be compensated:

Surgical trauma
Epididymal blockage (caused by infection or inflammation)
Fix deference blocking
Ejaculatory channel blockage

Whatever the reason for your compromised sperm production, you can consult your healthcare provider for more information about your options.

There are a number of different types of procedures that are effective in the recovery of sperm flow. Depending on the type of block you have, you may be more suitable for a particular procedure.

A varicocelectomy is a treatment for varicocci that occur in your testes. It is a common procedure and can be done at your local clinic or hospital in a relatively short period of time.

Varicocele occur when blood flow in one or both testes begins to back up. This causes an enlarged vein, which is very similar to a spatader. A varicocele is generally painless, although varicocular symptoms can sometimes contain dull pain or swelling if you have a longer period of time. Varicocci can endanger sperm production because abnormal blood flow increases the temperature in the testes. Weak cases of varicocele can be treated by non-surgical methods.

The procedure

A varicocelectomy can be performed with relatively little trauma to the body. A small incision is made in the abdomen, allowing your surgeon to bind certain blood vessels to reduce blood flow. A second incision is then made and a microscope is inserted. This enables your surgeon to accurately identify problem patients. These veins are then repaired, removing the varicocele and returning the bloodstream to normal. This should help in the recovery of sperm production.

Successful rates

Varicocelectomy success rates are very high, with approximately 97% of men experiencing normal bloodstream and sperm production. Some men will develop even more varicocci in the future, but this is unusual.


A hydrocellectomy is a surgical procedure that is performed to remove the hydrocells found in your scrotum. It is not a common procedure, although it can be performed if your hydrocele causes pain or disrupts ejaculation.

Hydrocells are actually a collection of fluid around the testicles in your scrotum. Hydrocells are very common in newborns, and are often associated with hernia. In elderly men, hydrocells may be caused by infection or trauma to the testes or epididymis, or by clogging of lymph nodes in the testicle. Hydrocells usually go away by themselves, but if they interfere with fertility, they must be removed.

The procedure

The hydrocelectomy is a fairly simple procedure. Under general, local or regional anesthesia, your surgeon will make a small incision in your scrotum. The hydrocele is then dried from all its liquid. Your testicle and hydrocele are then removed from your scrotum, allowing your surgeon to remove the hydrocellular bag. Sometimes the hydrocellular bag is left behind and folded behind the testicle. The testicle is then replaced and the scrotum is reconstituted.

Successful rates

The hydrocelectomy procedure is usually very successful. Almost 100% of the hydrocells do not grow back, so the sperm can easily flow into the ejaculation canal.
Vasectomy Reversal

There are two different types of recurrent operations of vasectomy: vasovasostomy and epididymostomy. What kind of vasectomy reversal has been done depends on how your vasectomy reversal has been done and the health of your reproductive system. A vasovasostomy is the most common procedure, accounting for two thirds of all reversibility of vasectomy.

The procedure

In a vasovasostomy procedure, the surgeon will reconnect the ends of your vasedferences to allow the sperm to flow through. The epididymostomy procedure is a bit more complex and may take up to five hours to complete but is needed for men who have a blockage. In this procedure, your surgeon will directly match your vascular endoscopy with the epididymis, thus blocking the sperm and restoring the sperm.

Successful rates

Vasovasostomy success rates are quite high. Nearly 99% of men undergoing the procedure will produce semen in their ejaculate. 64% will be a child father. However, success rates for an epididymostomy tend to vary, with 52% to 92% of men producing sperm in their ejaculation after this procedure. On average, 41% of men who have an epididymostomy will be able to father a child.

 Epididymal Blockage and Vas Deferent Blockage

Sometimes key channels in your reproductive system can be blocked for reasons other than vasectomy. Through sexually transmitted infections, such as chlamydia and gonorrhea, the epididymis can be inflamed and blocked, so that sperm flows from your testes.

The vasedferences may also be blocked by these infections, or due to trauma during other surgical procedures. This can prevent sperm from entering your ejaculate, which makes pregnancy impossible.

The procedure

To fix a clogging of the fasteners or epididymis, the tubes must be reconnected. As with the reversal of vasectomy, vasovasostomy and epididymostomy procedures are also used.

Successful rates

Success rates are similar to those found in vasectomy reversal. About 60% of men undergoing vasovasostomy can father a child while about 40% of men undergoing epididymostomy will transport a child.

Ejaculatory Duct Obstruction

About 10% of men who do not have sperm in their semen suffer from ejaculation canal bleeding. Surgery is available to eliminate such obstructions and restore your ability to repair a child.

Ejaculatory duct obstruction may be the result of surgical scars during vasectomy procedures, cancer tumors, or cysts that grow in the prostate. These scars, tumors or cysts can press on the ejaculation canal, which causes the sperm to not be excreted. This makes it impossible to fertilize an egg.

The procedure

Surgery for obstruction of ejaculation can help restore ejaculation of sperm. The procedure is simple and is usually performed on an outpatient basis. In general or local anesthetic your surgeon will make a small cut in your testes. Using a special operating microscope, your surgeon will isolate your ejaculation duct and locate the blockage. This block will then be deleted.

Successful rates

Success rates to restore the sperm are generally high in this operation, with more than 70% of men undergoing the procedure can produce sperm in their sperm. However, the pregnancy rate after this type of surgery is not so optimistic. Between 20% and 30% of these men go to church children.

Things to consider

Surgery is often a big step to take, so it's important to first weigh all your options. Before you book your operation, there are many things you may want to consider. These include:

The cost of the procedure
Recovery times involved
Alternatives such as IVF and IUI
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