mini pill birth control - progestogen-only Pill

Similar to the pill, the mini-pill is a series of single progestin-only pills that must be taken daily for one month (the normal pill contains both progestins and estrogens).

mini pill birth control | What is the mini-pill?

Similar to the pill, the mini-pill is a series of single progestin-only pills that must be taken daily for one month (the normal pill contains both progestins and estrogens). Progestin-only pills prevent ovulation for more than one cycle and also provide protection against pregnancy by: Thickening of the cervical mucus, which prevents sperm and egg from joining. Prevent the thickening of the uterine lining, which makes it more difficult to place a fertilized egg in the uterus.

mini pill birth control |How is it used?

Like the regular pill, the mini-pill is taken daily and is most effective when taken at the same time every day.The minipill should be taken at the same time every day. For increased efficiency in the evening, it should be taken in the late afternoon. If a woman takes three hours late with the pill, she should use an auxiliary method of contraception. There are no placebo or "inactive" pills to take during the month.
mini pill birth control - progestogen-only Pill
mini pill birth control - progestogen-only Pill
Does it protect against STIs? No!Does it protect against pregnancy? Yes. But the mini-pill is less effective than the combined estrogen and progestin pill.What are the chances of getting pregnant while using the mini-pill? Typical use: 5 percent Perfect use: 0.5 percent

mini pill birth control

Benefits for women when using the mini-pill?

Decreases menstrual bleeding. Decreases menstrual cramps. Helps prevent serious health risks such as: Pelvic inflammatory disease (a major cause of infertility in women). Ovarian and endometrial cancer. It is a good option for women who can not take estrogen because they are breastfeeding, or for whom estrogen-containing products cause severe headaches or high blood pressure.

Disadvantages for women when using the mini-pill?

Changes in the menstrual cycle. Weight gain. The sensitivity of the breasts. Spotting, bleeding between periods. Depression can get worse.

Things you should know:

The mini-pill does not protect against STIs. The mini-pill must be obtained from a doctor and an examination is necessary. The cost of the exam and the mini-pill varies, but it is generally lower than a clinic such as Planned Parenthood and is covered by Medicaid. The use of the mini-pill in addition to condoms is a more effective way to protect yourself against pregnancy and STIs.Keywords: contraception birth control mini-pill progesterone only
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