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breast cancer

Breast Cancer Diagnostic - Alternative Cancer Treatment

Medical professionals now have an extensive array of tools at their disposal to make diagnosis of breast cancer more reliable, especially in the …

Breast Cancer Lifestyle and Environmental risks

Lifestyle and environmental risk factors for breast cancer are still an area of active research and many have been identified. Lucky for most peo…

Alternative Cancer Treatment, Gene and Breast Cancer

According to official figures, only between 5-10% of breast cancer is caused by genetic influences. But even though the percentage is relatively …

Alternative Cancer Treatment - Breast Cancer No Longer A Killer

Breast cancer continues to be a serious condition that affects 1 in 12 women at some point in their life. Fortunately, it is no longer always lif…

With dense breast tissue no effect Breast Cancer Survival

Dense breasts have less fat and more lean tissue compared with non - dense breasts. Mammography can help you and your doctor determine how…

Some women opt for mastectomy nipple banking, but to get more complications

If a woman has a mastectomy , the surgeon removes . The entire breast , usually including the nipple and areola Women who choose reconstructio…

BRCA1 and BRCA2 testing a new, more accurate and less expensive

It is estimated that about 5 % and 10 % of breast cancers can be hereditary , caused by abnormal genes passed from mother to child . Genes ar…
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