Some women opt for mastectomy nipple banking, but to get more complications

ebn benghazi
Estimated read time: 3 min
If a woman has a mastectomy, the surgeon removes. The entire breast, usually including the nipple and areola Women who choose reconstruction after mastectomy can also choose to have your nipple reconstructed, also. Nipple reconstruction is carried out after the reconstructed breast had time to heal - at least 3 or 4 months after surgery.

There are several ways to reconstruct the nipple:

       You can get a removable polyurethane nipples and removed as desired
       have nipple reconstruction with tissue from another part of the body, typically the chest wall or the inside of the thigh,
       You can nipple reconstruction with a dermal matrix product (a skin substitute predominantly of collagen - AlloDerm, Strattice, neoform and DermaMatrix are examples) have

You can place a tattoo nipple tissue for nipple reconstruction, nipple some tattoos are incredibly realistic 3D

Now, a small Dutch study found that some women with mastectomy might want your nipples will be fixed later reconstructed her breast Bank. However, women who inflate their nipples more medical complications occurred. Nipple banking - also called nipple savings - is the removal of the nipple of the breast and groin temporarily transplant about 9 months to complete the reconstruction.

The study "Breast reconstruction with nipple nipple areola complex conservation and occasionally Banking: Is sexual outweigh the costs?" It was at the World Conference on Sexual Medicine in Chicago on August 28, 2012 submitted.

Nipple banking is more common in Europe than in the United States. Many U.S. surgeons are not in favor of banking nipple, because they believe that the nipple on the type of storage can be injured. No other complications with surgery, such as infections and cancer cells left in the nipple tissue.

Dutch researchers surveyed 318 women who were treated for breast cancer at a hospital in Amsterdam. Nipple banking offered at the hospital since 2005. Of these women:

      18% had nipple banking
      53% had a nipple tattoo
      The 29% had no reconstruction

In the survey, women were concerned about their levels of anxiety, social support, social functioning, cancer, body image and satisfaction with their breast reconstruction after cancer surgery, and (if the reconstruction).

There were no differences in any of these areas of the survey of three groups of women.

But there was a big difference in the number of women with medical complications:

     40% of women who had complications nipple banks
     Had 17% of women who have complications nipple tattoo

Women with nipple banks were less sexually active. About 66% of women, the nipple bank had said that she did not have sex or less sex because they were ashamed or feel discomfort while her nipples were being stored in the groin.

Keep some of your own chest was much more important for women who had nipple-banking (77%) compared to women with nipple tattoos (15%).

In general, women said that they had nipple Bank were satisfied with the experience and would recommend it to other women.

Regardless of your age, can employment status, or sexual orientation can not predict how you will respond to the loss of a breast. It is quite normal to feel anxious, insecure, sad and wistful about. Part of your body Hold if you is some of your own chest is very important for you, you might want to talk to your oncologist and surgeon banks nipple and whether this. An opportunity for you Nipple banking is not available everywhere, cancer centers in major cities and cancer centers affiliated with universities more experienced surgeons in the procedure have. Together, you and your doctor to develop a reconstruction plan that is right for you and your particular situation.

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