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تابع قناتنا على يوتيوب. الدخول من هنا الأشتراك في القناة

Hepatitis virus (e) Hepatitis E

A For the Hepatitis C virus (e) is of epidemic diseases related to water pollution. The virus caused (e) cause the number of disasters and epid…

What is AIDs: common Question

Acquired immune deficiency syndrome is a viral disease, highly contagious. It is transmitted through sexual intercourse, whether vaginal or anal. It …

Hepatitis C (d) Hepatitis D or delta

Virus (d), also called delta virus Delta virus can not reproduce itself (reproduction), but the presence of another virus, so Vveros hepatitis C vi…

Hepatitis C virus (c) Hepatitis C

Hepatitis C virus (c) killer Which is often described as the epidemic "silent" hepatitis C virus (c) remains relat…

Hepatitis virus (b) Hepatitis B

Source: The Book of diseases and liver transplantation - viral diseases and tumors of the liver and liver transplantation and schistosomiasis, cir…

Hepatitis virus - Hepatitis A

Hepatitis  virus (a) is highly contagious and sometimes fatal, disease and the virus is nearly 1.4 million people worldwide each year. During tra…

Genetic Analysis - ( Fertility )

Genetic tests are necessary in the following conditions: 1-Suspicion of a genetic cause of infertility: Abnormalities in chromosomes may lead to …
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