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تابع قناتنا على يوتيوب. الدخول من هنا الأشتراك في القناة

Bilirubin cast

Bilirubin cast from the urinary sediment of a patient with cancer of the liver. It is a pigmented bile cast and yellowish brown, such as is oft…

Bubble cast (2)

Vacuolated cast from the urinary sediment of a patient with diabetic nephropathy. The matrix of the cast is hyaline, and contains vacuolated ce…

Bubble cast (1)

Vacuolated cast from the urinary sediment of a patient with diabetic nephropathy. The cast is filled with vacuoles of various sizes. Sternheim…

Bence Jones protein cast and myeloma cell

Bence Jones protein cast (myeloma cast) from the urinary sediment of a patient with lambda-Bence Jones type multiple myeloma. Sternheimer stei…

White blood cell cast (1)

White blood cell cast from the urinary sediment of a patient with chronic glomerulonephritis. The cast contains polynuclear white blood cells. …

Red blood cell cast (stained)

Red blood cell cast from the urinary sediment of the preceding patient. The red blood cells in the cast have been stained red with Sternheimer-M…

Red blood cell cast (unstained)

Red blood cell cast from the urinary sediment of a patient with chronic glomerulonephritis. The cast looks red because of the hemoglobin of the …
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