Rewarding primary care physicians for time spent with the patient

Abraham Verghese is a professor of medicine at Stanford University, and one of the most articulate physician-writers today.

He recently wrote an op-ed highlighting primary care’s plight, and focuses on the scarcity of time:
he science of medicine has never been more potent – incredible advances and great benefits realized in the treatment of individual diseases – yet the public perception of us physicians is often one of a harried individual more interested in the virtual construct of the patient in the computer than in the living, breathing patient seated on the exam table.Time is the scarcest commodity of all. Patients, particularly when it comes to their

بالرجوع إلى:

"he science of medicine has never been more potent – incredible advances and great benefits realized in the treatment of individual diseases – yet the public perception of us physicians is often one of a harried individual more interested in the virtual construct of the patient in the computer than in the living, breathing patient seated on the exam table.Time is the scarcest commodity of all. Patients, particularly when it comes to their"
- Rewarding primary care physicians for time spent with the patient | (نظرة على ويكي Google الجانبي)

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