Prevention of Infection

There are definable risks for HIV infection based upon the major modes of spread:
  • As a sexually transmitted disease
  • Through injection drug use
  • As a perinatal infection
In places where blood products are not screened, there is a risk to recipients. HIV infection is not spread by casual contact in public places, households, or in the workplace. HIV is not spread by insect vectors.
There is no vaccine to prevent HIV infection. Reduction in the spread of HIV can be accomplished in many ways:
  • Treat HIV infection as an illness, not as a social stigma
  • Reduce levels of poverty in society that lead to increased risks through drug abuse and promiscuity
  • Provide HIV testing and counselling to identify infected persons who can reduce their risk to others
  • Provide educational programs for children and adults which describe how to avoid sexually transmitted diseases
  • Promote sexual barrier precautions among high risk commercial sex workers and clients
  • Provide clean needles for injection drug users
  • Create health care programs providing antiretroviral therapy to extend life and reduce HIV transmission rates
  • Give HIV-infected pregnant women antiretroviral therapy to reduce perinatal HIV transmission
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