Serum or Plasma Hormones, Hormone Precursors and Derivatives

Serum or Plasma Hormones, Hormone Precursors and Derivatives

Hormone Ref. Intervals Constitution Source/Target Function
Thyrotropin-releasing hormone (TRH) Baseline TSH: <10 m U/mL
Stimulated TSH (following iv TRH): 2´ baseline
Peptide (3 aa)* H/Anterior pituitary lobe Release of TSH and PRL
Gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) or luteinizing hormone- releasing hormone
- Peptide (10 aa) H/Anterior pituitary lobe Release of LH and FSH
Corticotropin-releasing hormone (CRH) - Polypeptide (41 aa) H/Anterior pituitary lobe Release of ACTH and ß-LPH
Growth hormone-releasing hormone (GHRH) - Polypeptide (40 aa) H/Anterior pituitary lobe Release of GH
Somatostatin± (SS) or growth hormone-inhibiting hormone (GHIH) - Peptide (14 aa) H/Anterior pituitary lobe Suppression of GH and TSH; inhibition of gastrin, VIP, GIP, secretin, motilin, and insulin
Prolactin-releasing factors (PRF) - Peptide? H/Anterior pituitary lobe Release of PRL
Prolactin-inhibiting factor (PIF) 0 – 20 pg/mL
(as dopamine)
Dopamine H/Anterior pituitary lobe Suppression of PRL
Thyrotropin or thyroid-stimulating hormone
40 – 200 mg/dL Glycoprotein‡ (a , 89 aa; ß, 112 aa) AP/Thyroid gland Stimulation of thyroid hormone formation and secretion
Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) Male:
(<45 yr): 4 – 25 IU/L
(³ 45 yr): 2 – 14 IU/L
(Non-preg, 18 – 40 yr): 4 – 30 IU/L
(Midcycle): 10 – 90 IU/L
(Postmenopausal): 40 – 250 IU/L
Glycoprotein‡ (a , 89 aa; ß, 115 aa) AP/Ovary

Growth of follicles and, with LH, secretion of estrogens and ovulation. Development of seminiferous tubules, spermatogenesis
Luteinizing hormone (LH) Female:
(Non-preg, 18 – 40 yr): 1 – 9 IU/L
(Midcycle): >11 IU/L
(Postmenopausal): 13 – 60 IU/L
Male: 6 – 23 IU/L
Glycoprotein‡ (a , 89 aa; ß, 115 aa) AP/Ovary

Ovulation, formation of corpora lutea, secretion of progesterone. Stimulation of interstitial tissue; secretion of androgens.
Prolactin (PRL) Female: 80 – 530 mIU/L
Male: 80 – 350 mIU/L
Protein (198 aa) AP/Mammary gland Proliferation of mammary gland; initiation of milk secretion; antagonist of insulin action
Growth hormone (GH) or somatotropin Female: 0 – 8.0 m g/L
Male: 0 – 4.0 m g/L
Protein (191 aa) AP/Body as a whole Growth of bone and muscle
ß-Lipotropin (ß-LPH) - Polypeptide (91 aa) AP/Unknown Precursor of ß-MSH and the endorphins
Corticotropin or adrenocorticotropin (ACTH) 1.2 – 15.6 pmol/L
(ng/L = 4.5 ´ pmol/L)
Polypeptide (39 aa) AP/Adrenal cortex Stimulation of adrenocortical steroid formation and secretion
ß-Endorphin (ß-END)±¶ 5 – 35 pmol/L Polypeptide (31 aa) AP/Brain Endogenous opiate; raising of pain threshold and influence on extrapyramidal motor activity
a -Melanocyte-stimulating hormone (a -MSH) - Peptide (13 aa) AP/Skin Dispersion of pigment granules, darkening of skin
Leu-enkephalin (LEK)±¶ and met-enkephalin (MEK)±¶ - Peptide (5 aa) AP/Brain Endogenous opiate; raising of pain threshold and influence on extrapyramidal motor activity
Vasopressin or antidiuretic hormone (ADH) 0.0 – 7.0 pmol/L Peptide (9 aa) PP/Arterioles

PP/Renal tubules
Elevation of blood pressure.
Water reabsorption
Oxytocin <3.2 m IU/mL
Oxytocin challenge test: Negative
Peptide (9 aa) PP/Smooth muscle (uterus, mammary gland) Contraction, action in parturition and in sperm transport, ejection of milk
Serotonin or 5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HI) 5 – 220 ng/mL Indoleamine PG/Cardiovascular, respiratory, and gastrointestinal systems, brain Neurotransmitter; stimulation or inhibition of various smooth muscles and nerves; possible role in mental illness
Melatonin - Indoleamine PG/Hypothalamus Suppression of gonadotropin and GH secretion; induction of sleep
Thyroxine (T4) and triiodothyronine (T3)
(free T4, free T3)
(<1 m): 0.8 – 2.2 ng/dL
(1-6 m): 0.8 - 1.8 ng/dL
(6m-1y): 0.8 – 1.6 ng/dL
(1-12y): 0.9 – 1.4 ng/dL
(>12 yr): 0.8 – 1.5 ng/dL
T3: 2.2 – 4.0 pg/mL
Iodoamino acids TG/General body tissue Stimulation of oxygen consumption and metabolic rate of tissue
Calcitonin or thyrocalcitonin <15 pmol/L Polypeptide (32 aa) TG/Skeleton Inhibition of calcium resorption; lowering of plasma calcium and phosphate
Parathyroid hormone (PTH) or parathormone 1.7 – 7.3 pmol/L

Polypeptide (84 aa) PTG/Skeleton, kidney, gastrointestinal tract Regulation of calcium and phosphorus metabolism
Cortisol AM peak: 200 – 650 nmol/L
PM trough: <50% peak
Steroid AC/General body tissue Metabolism of carbohydrates, proteins, and fats; inflammation, resistance to infection; hypersensitivity
Aldosterone 100 – 800 pmol/L Steroid AC/Kidney Salt and water balance
Norepinephrine and epinephrine Epinephrine (pg/mL)
2-10 d: 36-400
11d-3m: 55-200
4-11mo: 55-440
12-23m: 36-640
24-35m: 18-440
3-17yr: 18-460
18+ yr: 10-200

Norepinephrine (pg/mL)
2-10 d: 170-1180
11d-3m: 370–2080
4-11mo: 270–1120
12-23m: 68–1810
24-35m: 170–1470
3-17yr: 85–1250
18+ yr: 80–520
Aromatic amines AM/Sympathetic receptors Stimulation of sympathetic nervous system
Epinephrine <570 pmol/L
(see above)
Aromatic amine AM/Liver and muscle, adipose tissue Glycogenolysis
Estrogens Female estradiol (pmol/L):
Early follicular: 100 – 200
Preovulatory: 500 – 1700
Luteal: 500 – 900
Postmenopausal: 70 – 200
Male: 0 – 283 pmol/L
Estriol: Varies with gestational age (increases thru pregnancy)
Phenolic steroids O/Female accessory sex organs Development of secondary sex characteristics
Progesterone Female: (nmol/L)
Follicular: 2.0 – 4.5
Luteal: 7.0 – 70.0
Stroid O/Female accessory reproductive structure Preparation of the uterus for ovum implantation, maintenance of pregnancy
Relaxin - Polypeptide O/Uterus Inhibition of myometrial contraction
Inhibin Female (>16 yr):
0 – 78 pg/mL
Polypeptide O/Hypothalamus Suspected role in the control of FSH secretion
Testosterone Male: 300 – 1200 ng/dL
Female: 30 – 95 ng/dL
Steroid T/Male accessory sex organs Development of secondary sex characteristics, maturation, and normal function
Inhibin Female (>16 yr):
0 – 78 pg/mL
Polypeptide T/Hypothalamus Suspected role in the control of FSH secretion
Estrogens Female estradiol (pmol/L):
Early follicular: 100 – 200
Preovulatory: 500 – 1700
Luteal: 500 – 900
Postmenopausal: 70 – 200
Male: 0 – 283 pmol/L
Estriol: Varies with gestational age (increases thru pregnancy)
Phenolic steroids P/Female accessory sex organs Development of secondary sex characteristics
Progesterone Female: (nmol/L)
Follicular: 2.0 – 4.5
Luteal: 7.0 – 70.0
Steroid P/Female accessory reproductive structure Preparation of the uterus for ovum implantation, maintenance of pregnancy
Relaxin - Polypeptide P/Uterus Inhibition of myometrial contraction
Human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) or choriogonadotropin Female: (b -subunit)
(Non-preg): <5 mIU/L
Glycoprotein‡ (a , 92 aa; ß, 144 aa) P/Ovary

Ovulation, formation of corpora lutea, secretion of progesterone. Prolongation of corpus luteal function; suspected role in steroidogenesis during fetal life.
Stimulation of interstitial tissue; secretion of androgens.
Human chorionic somatomammotropin (hCS) or human placental lactogen (hPL) - Protein (191 aa) P/Mammary gland Proliferation of mammary gland; initiation of milk secretion; antagonist of insulin action
Insulin, free 9 – 80 pmol/L Polypeptide§ PAN/Most cells Regulation of carbohydrate metabolism;
Glucagon <190 ng/L Polypeptide (29 aa) PAN/Liver Glycogenolysis
Pancreatic polypeptide (PP) 40 – 300 ng/L (fasting) Polypeptide (36 aa) PAN/Gastrointestinal tract Increased gut motility and gastric emptying; inhibition of gallbladder contraction
Gastrin¶ Fasting: <90 ng/L
Random: <180 ng/L
Peptide (17 aa) GI/Stomach Secretion of gastric acid, gastric mucosal growth
Secretin 12 – 75 pg/mL Polypeptide (27 aa) GI/Pancreas Secretion of pancreatic bicarbonate and digestive enzymes
Cholecystokinin-pancreozymin (CCK-PZ)¶ - Polypeptide (33 aa) GI/Gallbladder and pancreas Stimulation of gallbladder contraction and secretion of pancreatic enzymes
Motilin - Polypeptide (22 aa) GI/Gastrointestinal tract Stimulation of gastrointestinal motility
Vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP)¶ <20 pmol/L
<50 pg/mL
Polypeptide (28 aa) GI/Gastrointestinal tract Neurotransmitter; relaxation of smooth muscles of gut and of circulation; increase of release of hormones and secretion of water and electrolytes from pancreas and gut
Gastric inhibitory polypeptide (GIP) - Polypeptide (42 aa) GI/Gastrointestinal tract Inhibition of gastric secretion and motility; increase of insulin secretion
Bombesin¶ - Peptide (14 aa) GI/Gastrointestinal tract Stimulation of release of various hormones and pancreatic enzymes, smooth muscle contractions and hypothermia, changes in cardiovascular and renal function
Neurotensin¶ - Peptide (13 aa) GI/Gastrointestinal tract and hypothalamus (gut and brain) Uncertain
Substance P (SP)¶ - Peptide (11 aa) GI/Gastrointestinal tract and brain Sensory neurotransmitter, analgesic; increase in contraction of gastrointestinal smooth muscle; potent vasoactive hormone; promotion of salivation, increased release of histamine
1,25-(OH)2 Vitamin D 22.5 – 94.3 nmol/L Sterol K/Intestine


Facilitation of calcium and phosphorus absorption
Increase in bone resorption in conjunction with PTH.
Increase in reabsorption of filtered calcium
Erythropoietin 12 – 28 U/L Glycoprotein K/Bone marrow Stimulation of red cell formation
Insulin-like growth factor I (ng/mL)
2m - 5y: 17 – 248
6 – 8 yr: 88 – 474
9-11 y Male: 110 – 565
9-11 y Fem: 117 – 771
12-15y Male: 202 – 957
12-15y Fem: 261 – 1096
16-24y M/F: 182 – 780
25-39y M/F: 114 – 492
40-54y M/F: 90 – 360
³ 55 yr M/F: 71 – 290
Peptide (70 aa) L/Most cells Stimulation of cellular and linear growth
Insulin-like growth factor II - Peptide (67 aa) L/Most cells Insulin-like activity
Thymosin and thymopoietin - Peptides (49 and 28 aa) THY/Lymphocytes Maturation of T-lymphocytes
Atrial natriuretic factor (Atrial natriuretic peptide, ANF, ANP, Atriopeptin) 4 – 27 pmol/L Peptide (28 aa) HT/Vascular, renal, and adrenal tissue Regulation of blood volume and blood pressure
Brain natriuretic factor (Brain natriuretic peptide, BNF, BNP) 5 – 99 pg/mL Peptide (17 aa) HT/Vascular, brain tissue Regulation of blood volume and blood pressure
Parathyroid hormone-related peptide (PTH-RP) <5 pmol/L Peptide (141 aa) MCT/Kidney, bone Conjectural; PTH-like actions; tumor marker
Growth factors (e.g., epidermal growth factor, fibroblast growth factor, transforming growth factor family, platelet-derived growth factor, nerve growth factors) - Polypeptides MCT/ Stimulation of cellular growth
Cytokines (e.g., interleukins 1 - 9, tumor necrosis factor, interferons) - Polypeptides MLM/ Stimulation or inhibition of cellular growth
aa: Amino acid residues.
±Also produced by gastrointestinal tract.
‡Glycoprotein hormone composed of two dissimilar peptides. The a -chain is similar in structure or identical; the ß-chain differs for each hormone and confers specificity.
§Two chains linked by disulfide bonds: A, 21 aa; B, 30 aa.
¶Also produced in the brain.
>Source abbreviations: H = Hypothalamus, AP = Anterior Pituitary, PP = Posterior Pituitary, PG = Pineal Gland, TG = Thyroid Gland, PTG = Parathyroid Gland, AC = Adrenal Cortex, AM = Adrenal Mrdulla, O = Ovary, T = Testis, P = Placenta, PAN = Pancreas, GI = Gastrointestinal tract, K = Kidney, L = Liver, THY = Thymus, HT = Heart, MCT = Multiple Cell Types, MLM = Monocytes/Lymphocytes/Macrophages
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