Tables of Serum Chemical Constituents

Small (non-protein) species

Serum Analyte Reference Ranges Increased In Decreased In
Acetone <1 mg/dL Diabetic ketoacidosis, Starvation, Glycogen storage disease, Alcoholic intoxication NA
Acetoacetate <1 mg/dL Diabetic ketoacidosis, Starvation, Glycogen storage disease, Alcoholic intoxication NA
Ammonia Adult: 15 – 110 ug/dL
Neonate: 90 – 150 ug/dL
Hepatitis, Cirrhosis, Reye syndrome, GI bleeding/obstruction Malignant hypertension
Bilirubin, direct
Adult/Child: 0.1 – 0.3 mg/dL
Jaundice, Biliary obstruction, Drug cholestasis NA
Bilirubin, indirect
Adult/Child: 0.2 – 0.8 mg/dL
Neonate: 1- 12 mg/dL
Hemolytic jaundice, HDN, Hepatitis, Cirrhosis, Sepsis, Pernicious anemia, Sickle cell anemia, Transfusion reaction NA
Bilirubin, total Adult/Child: 0.2 – 1.0 mg/dL
Neonate: 1.9 - 12 mg/dL
Critical: >15.0 mg/dL
Hemolytic jaundice, HDN, Hepatitis, Cirrhosis, Sepsis, Pernicious anemia, Sickle cell anemia, Transfusion reaction NA
Calcium, ionized Adult: 4.5 – 5.6 mg/dL
Neonate: 4.20 – 5.58 mg/dL
Hyperparathyroidism, renal/lung carcinoma-producing PTH, Paget’s disease, Vitamin D intoxication, Addison’s disease, Acromegaly Hypoparathyroidism, Renal failure, Rickets, Vitamin D deficiency, Osteomalacia, Alkalosis, Pancreatitis.
Calcium, total Adult: 9.0 – 10.5 mg/dL
Neonate: 9.0 – 10.6 mg/dL
Critical: <6.0 or >14.0 mEq/L
Hyperparathyroidism, renal/lung carcinoma-producing PTH, Paget’s disease, Vitamin D intoxication, Addison’s disease, Acromegaly Hypoparathyroidism, Renal failure, Rickets, Vitamin D deficiency, Osteomalacia, Alkalosis, Pancreatitis. Critical: <6.0
Carbon Dioxide Content
(CO2 Content)
Adult: 23 – 30 mEq/L
Infant: 20 – 28 mEq/L
Neonate: 13 – 22 mEq/L
(as bicarbonate, HCO3-)
Critical: <6.0 mEq/L
Severe diarrhea, Starvation, Severe vomiting, Aldosteronisn, Emphysema, Metabolic alkalosis Renal failure, Salicylate toxicity, Diabetic ketoacidosis, Metabolic acidosis, Shock
Chloride Adult/Child: 98 – 106 mEq/L
Critical: <80 or >115 mEq/L
Dehydration, Cushing’s syndrome, Metabolic acidosis, Hyperventilation, Respiratory alkalosis, Renal dysfunction Overhydration, CHF, Vomiting, Respiratory acidosis, Addison’s disease, Metabolic alkalosis, Aldosteronism, Burns
Cholesterol, total Adult/Child: 120 – 200 mg/dL
Infant: 70 – 175 mg/dL
Neonate: 53 – 135 mg/dL
Hypothyroidism, Diabets Mellitus, Nephrotic syndrome, Hypertension, Atherosclerosis, MI, Nephrosis, High-cholesterol diet, Nephrosis Malabsorption, Sepsis, Malnutrition, Liver disease, AMI
Creatinine Adult/Child: 0.5 – 1.2 mg/dL Nephritis, Renal necrosis, Diabetic nephropathy, CHF, Atherosclerosis, Acromegaly, Shock Debilitation, Decreased muscle mass (Muscular systrophy, Myasthenia gravis)
Glucose, fasting Adult/Child: 65 – 110 mg/dL
Neonate: 30 – 60 mg/dL
Critical: <40 or >400 mg/dL
Diabetes mellitus, Cushing’s syndrome, Acute pancreatitis, Corticosteroid therapy, Acromegaly Insulin overdose, Hypothyroidism, Hypopituitarism, Addison’s disease, liver disease, starvation
Iron Adult/Child: 50 – 175 ug/dL
Neonate: 100 – 250 ug/dL
Hemosiderosis, Hemochromatosis, Hemolytic anemia, Hepatitis, Hepatic necrosis, Iron poisoning Inadequate dietary iron, Chronic blood loss, Iron deficiency anemia, Inadequate iron absorption
Lactate 5-12 mg/dL Shock, Tissue ischemia, Severe liver disease, Carbon monoxide poisoning NA
Lead (whole blood) Adult: <40 ug/dL
Child: <25 ug/dL
Critical: >40 ug/dL
Toxic: >100 ub/dL
- -
Magnesium Adult: 1.2 – 2.1 mEq/L
Child: 1.4 – 1.8 mEq/L
Neonate: 1.2 – 1.8 mEq/L
Critical: <0.5 or >3.0 mEq/L
Renal insufficiency, Uncontrolled diabetes, Addison’s disease, Hypothyroidism, Magnesium antacid ingestion Malnutrition, Malabsorption, Hypoparathyroidism, Alcoholism, Diabetic acidosis
Phosphorus, inorganic
(as phosphate)
Adult: 3.4 – 4.5 mg/dL
Child: 4.5 – 6.5 mg/dL
Neonate: 4.3 – 9.3 mg/dL
Critical: <1.0 mg/sL
Renal failure, Increased intake, Acromegaly, Hypoparathyroidism, Bone metastisis, Sarcoidosis, Hypocalcemia, Liver disease, Acidosis Malnutrition, Sepsis, Hyperparathyroidism, Hypercalcemia, Alkalosis, Alcoholism, Vitamin D deficiency, Rickets, Sepsis, Alkalosis
Potassium Adult: 3.5 – 5.0 mEq/L
Neonate: 3.9 – 5.9 mEq/L
Critical: <2.5 or >6.5 mEq/L (Neonate: <2.5 or >8.0 mEq/L)
Excessive intake, Renal failure, Acidosis, Hypoaldosteronism, Hemolysis, Dehydration, Tissue crush injury Deficient intake, Burns, Diarrhea or vomiting, Diuresis, Cushing’s syndrome, Licorice ingestion, Ascites, Cystic fibrosis
Sodium Adult/Child: 136 – 145 mEq/L
Neonate: 134 – 144 mEq/L
Critical: <120 or >160 mEq/L
Increased intake, Cushing’s syndrome, Hyperaldosteronism, Profound sweating, Diabetes insipidus Decreased intake, Ascites, Addison’s disease, CHF, Diuresis, Diarrhea or vomiting, Edema, Pleural effusion
Thyroid Uptake
(TU, T3-Uptake)
25 – 35% Interpretation is dependent on Thyroxine and FTI values Interpretation is dependent on Thyroxine and FTI values
Thyroxine, free
(free T4)
Adult: 0.8 – 2.7 ng/dL
Child: 0.8 – 2.0 ng/dL
Neonate: 2.0 – 6.0 ng/dL
Grave’s disease, Plummer’s disease, Toxic thyroid adenoma, Acute thyroiditis, Hyperthyroidism Hypothyroidism, Myxedema, Pituitary insufficiency, Cirrhosis, Hypothalmic failure, Renal failure, Cushing’s syndrome, Liver diseases
Thyroxine, total
(total T4)
Adult: 4.0 – 12.0 ug/dL
Child: 5.0 – 15.0 ug/dL
Neonate: 10.0 – 22.0 ug/dL
Critical: <2.0 or >20.0 ug/dL
Grave’s disease, Plummer’s disease, Toxic thyroid adenoma, Acute thyroiditis, Hyperthyroidism Hypothyroidism, Myxedema, Pituitary insufficiency, Cirrhosis, Hypothalmic failure, Renal failure, Cushing’s syndrome, Liver diseases
Triglycerides Adult Male: 40 – 160 mg/dL
Adult Female: 35 – 135 mg/dL
Child: 30 – 163 mg/dL
(age/sex dependent)
Glycogen storage disease, Hyperlipidemia, Diabetes mellitus, CHD, Nephrotic syndrome, Hypertension, Cirrhosis, Pregnancy, MI Malabsorption, Malnutrition, Hyperthyroidism
(T3 RIA)
Adult: 40 – 205 ng/dL
Child: 80 – 270 ng/dL
Neonate: 100 – 740 ng/dL
Grave’s disease, Plummer’s disease, Toxic thyroid adenoma, Acute thyroiditis, Hyperthyroidism Hypothyroidism, Myxedema, Pituitary insufficiency, Cirrhosis, Hypothalmic failure, Renal failure, Cushing’s syndrome, Liver diseases
Urea Nitrogen (BUN) Adult: 8.0 – 22 mg/dL
Child: 5.0 – 18 mg/dL
Neonate: 3.0 – 12.0 mg/dL
Hypovolemia, Shock, Burns, Dehydration, CHF, MI, High protein intake, Starvation, Sepsis, Renal disease, Renal failure, Ureteral obstruction Liver failure, Malnutrition, Malabsorption, Nephrotic syndrome
Uric Acid Adult Male: 2.1 – 8.5 mg/dL
Adult Female: 2.0 – 6.6 mg/dL
Child: 2.5 – 5.5 mg/dL
Gout, Multiple myeloma, Leukemias, Renal disease, Acidosis, Toxemia of pregnancy, Alcoholism, Shock, Hypothyroidism, High purine diet Wilson’s disease, Fanconi syndrome, Lead poisioning, Yellow liver atrophy


Serum Analyte Reference Ranges Increased In Decreased In
Alanine aminotransferase
Adult/Child: 5 – 35 IU/L Hepatitis, Cirrhosis, Hepatic tumor, Hepatotoxic drugs, Obstructive jaundice, MI, Muscle trauma, Myositis, Infectious Mononucleosis NA
Aldolase Adult: 3.0 - 8.2 SL U/dl Hepatitis, Muscular dystrophy, MI, polymyositis, Muscle injuries Late Muscular dystrophy, Muscle-wasting disease, Fructose intolerance
Acid phosphatase,
Adult male: 0.2 – 3.5 U/L
Adult female: 0.0 – 0.8 U/L
Prostatic carcinoma, Multiple myeloma, Prostate manipulation, Prostatitis, Cancer of breast or bone, Cirrhosis, Hyperparathyroidism, Renal impairment NA
Acid phosphatase, total Adult male: 2.5 – 11.7 U/L
Adult female: 0.3 – 9.2 U/L
Prostatic carcinoma, Multiple myeloma, Prostate manipulation, Prostatitis, Cancer of breast or bone, Cirrhosis, Hyperparathyroidism, Renal impairment NA
Alkaline phosphatase, total Adult: 30 – 120 U/L
<2yr: 85 – 235 U/L
2 – 8 yr: 65 – 210 U/L
9 – 15 yr: 60 – 300 U/L
16 – 21 yr: 30 – 200 U/L
Cirrhosis, Biliary obstruction, Hepatic tumor, 3rd Trimester pregnancy, Metastatic tumor to bone, Healing fracture, RA, Sarcoidosis Hypothyroidism, Malnutrition, Pernicious anemia, Scurvy, Celiac diseade, High Vit. B intake
Amylase, alpha 30 – 220 U/L Acute pancreatitis, peptic ulcer, Necrotic bowel, Acute cholecystitis, Mumps, Pulmonary infarction, Diabetic ketoacidosis, Duodenal obstruction NA
Angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) Adult: 23 – 57 U/mL
Children: much higher
Sarcoidosis, Gaucher’s disease, Tuberculosis, Leprosy, Cirrhosis, Histoplasmosis, Hodgkin's disease, Myeloma, Pulmonary fibrosis, Scleroderma, Amyloidosis, Hyperthyroidism, <20 yr old NA
Aspartate aminotransferase
Adult: 0 – 35 U/L
Newborn: 15 – 60 U/L
MI, Hepatitis, Cirrhosis, Drug-induced liver injury, Hepatic metastasis/necrosis, Infectious mononucleosis, Muscle trauma/diseases, Acute pancreatitis Acute renal disease, Diabetic ketoacidosis, Pregnancy, Renal dialysis
Cholinesterase, pseudo-
5 – 15 mg/L
7 – 19 kU/L
Reticulocytosis, Hyperlipidemia, Nephrosis, Diabetes Organic phosphate insecticide poisoning, Hepatocellular disease, Congenital enzyme deficiency, Malnutrition, Drugs: atropine, caffeine, codeine, estrogens, morphine, neostigmine, phenothiazines, theophylline, quinidine, vitamin K
Creatine phosphokinase, total
Adult male: 55 – 170 U/L
Adult female: 30 – 135 U/L
Newborn: 68- 580 U/L
Cardiac muscle disease/injury, Skeletal muscle disease/injury, CNS (brain) disease/injury, Strenuous physical exercise, IM injections NA
Creatine phospokinase,
BB isoenzyme
0.0 % of total CPK CNS diseases, Adenocarcinoma of breast or lung, Pulmonary infarction NA
Creatine phosphokinase,
MB isoenzyme
0.0 % of total CPK AMI, Cardiac aneurysm surgery, Cardiac ischemia, Cardiac defibrillation, Myocarditis, Ventricular arrhythmias NA
Creatine phosphokinase,
MM isoenzyme
100 % of total CPK Rhabdomyolysis, Muscular dystrophy, Myositis, IM injections, Muscle injury, convulsions, Hypokalemia, Hypothyroidism NA
Gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase
(GGTP, g-GTP, g-GT)
Adult male, female >45 yr: 8 – 38 U/L
Adult female <45 yr: 5 – 27 U/L
Child: same as adult
Newborn: 40 – 190 U/L
Hepatitis, Cirrhosis, Hepatic necrosis, Hepatic carcinoma, Hepatotoxic drugs, Cholestasis, MI, Pancreatitis, Pancreatic carcinoma, Infectious Mononucleosis, CMV, Reye’s syndrome NA
Lactate dehydrogenase, total
0 – 4 day: 290 – 775 U/L
4 – 10 day: 545 – 2000 U/L
10d – 2 yr: 180 – 430 U/L
2 – 12 yr: 110 – 295 U/L
12 – 60 yr: 100 – 190 U/L
> 60 yr: 110 – 210 U/L
MI, Pulmonary disease, Hepatic disease, Anemias, Muscle disease or injury, Renal parenchymal disease, Intestinal ischemia, Testicular carcinoma, Lymphoma, Advanced carcinoma, Pancreatitis, Hemolysis Ascorbic acid
Lactate dehydrogenase, isoenzymes
(LDH-1, LDH-2, LDH-3, LDH-4, LDH-5)
LDH-1: 17 – 27 % of total
LDH-2: 27 – 37 % of total
LDH-3: 18 – 25 % of total
LDH-4: 3 – 8 % of total
LDH-5: 0 – 5 % of total
LDH-1: Cardiac
LDH-2: RE system
LDH-3: Lung and other tissues
LDH-4: Kidney, Placenta, Pancreas
LDH-5: Liver, Muscle
Ascorbic acid
Leucine aminopeptidase
(LAP, arylamidase)
Adult male: 80 – 200 U/mL
Adult female: 75 – 185 U/mL
Hepatitis, Cirrhosis, Hepatic ischemia, Hepatic necrosis, Hepatic carcinoma, Hepatotoxic drugs, Cholestasis, Gallstones NA
Lipase 0 – 417 U/L Acute pancreatitis, Chronic pancreatitis, Pancreatic carcinoma, Acute cholecystitis, Cholangitis, Extrahepatic duct obstruction, Renal failure, Bowel obstruction, Salivary gland inflammation or tumor, Peptic ulcer NA
Renin (PRA) Adult (upright, sodium-restricted diet) <40 yr: 2.9 – 24.0 ng/mL/hr
>40 yr: 2.9 – 10.8 ng/mL/hr
Adult (upright, sodium-replete diet) <40 yr: 0.1 – 4.3 ng/mL/hr
>40 yr: 0.1 – 3.0 ng/dL/hr

Hypertension, Chronic renal failure, Salt-losing GI disease (vomiting/dirrhea), Addison’s disease, Renin-producing renal tumor, Cirrhosis, Hyperkalemia, Hemorrhage Primary hyperaldosteronism, Steroid therapy, Congenital adrenal hyperplasia

Serum or Plasma Hormones, Hormone Precursors and Derivatives

Hormone Ref. Intervals Constitution Source/Target Function
Thyrotropin-releasing hormone (TRH) Baseline TSH: <10 m U/mL
Stimulated TSH (following iv TRH): 2´ baseline
Peptide (3 aa)* H/Anterior pituitary lobe Release of TSH and PRL
Gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) or luteinizing hormone- releasing hormone
- Peptide (10 aa) H/Anterior pituitary lobe Release of LH and FSH
Corticotropin-releasing hormone (CRH) - Polypeptide (41 aa) H/Anterior pituitary lobe Release of ACTH and ß-LPH
Growth hormone-releasing hormone (GHRH) - Polypeptide (40 aa) H/Anterior pituitary lobe Release of GH
Somatostatin± (SS) or growth hormone-inhibiting hormone (GHIH) - Peptide (14 aa) H/Anterior pituitary lobe Suppression of GH and TSH; inhibition of gastrin, VIP, GIP, secretin, motilin, and insulin
Prolactin-releasing factors (PRF) - Peptide? H/Anterior pituitary lobe Release of PRL
Prolactin-inhibiting factor (PIF) 0 – 20 pg/mL
(as dopamine)
Dopamine H/Anterior pituitary lobe Suppression of PRL
Thyrotropin or thyroid-stimulating hormone
40 – 200 mg/dL Glycoprotein‡ (a , 89 aa; ß, 112 aa) AP/Thyroid gland Stimulation of thyroid hormone formation and secretion
Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) Male:
(<45 yr): 4 – 25 IU/L
(³ 45 yr): 2 – 14 IU/L
(Non-preg, 18 – 40 yr): 4 – 30 IU/L
(Midcycle): 10 – 90 IU/L
(Postmenopausal): 40 – 250 IU/L
Glycoprotein‡ (a , 89 aa; ß, 115 aa) AP/Ovary

Growth of follicles and, with LH, secretion of estrogens and ovulation. Development of seminiferous tubules, spermatogenesis
Luteinizing hormone (LH) Female:
(Non-preg, 18 – 40 yr): 1 – 9 IU/L
(Midcycle): >11 IU/L
(Postmenopausal): 13 – 60 IU/L
Male: 6 – 23 IU/L
Glycoprotein‡ (a , 89 aa; ß, 115 aa) AP/Ovary

Ovulation, formation of corpora lutea, secretion of progesterone. Stimulation of interstitial tissue; secretion of androgens.
Prolactin (PRL) Female: 80 – 530 mIU/L
Male: 80 – 350 mIU/L
Protein (198 aa) AP/Mammary gland Proliferation of mammary gland; initiation of milk secretion; antagonist of insulin action
Growth hormone (GH) or somatotropin Female: 0 – 8.0 m g/L
Male: 0 – 4.0 m g/L
Protein (191 aa) AP/Body as a whole Growth of bone and muscle
ß-Lipotropin (ß-LPH) - Polypeptide (91 aa) AP/Unknown Precursor of ß-MSH and the endorphins
Corticotropin or adrenocorticotropin (ACTH) 1.2 – 15.6 pmol/L
(ng/L = 4.5 ´ pmol/L)
Polypeptide (39 aa) AP/Adrenal cortex Stimulation of adrenocortical steroid formation and secretion
ß-Endorphin (ß-END)±¶ 5 – 35 pmol/L Polypeptide (31 aa) AP/Brain Endogenous opiate; raising of pain threshold and influence on extrapyramidal motor activity
a -Melanocyte-stimulating hormone (a -MSH) - Peptide (13 aa) AP/Skin Dispersion of pigment granules, darkening of skin
Leu-enkephalin (LEK)±¶ and met-enkephalin (MEK)±¶ - Peptide (5 aa) AP/Brain Endogenous opiate; raising of pain threshold and influence on extrapyramidal motor activity
Vasopressin or antidiuretic hormone (ADH) 0.0 – 7.0 pmol/L Peptide (9 aa) PP/Arterioles

PP/Renal tubules
Elevation of blood pressure.
Water reabsorption
Oxytocin <3.2 m IU/mL
Oxytocin challenge test: Negative
Peptide (9 aa) PP/Smooth muscle (uterus, mammary gland) Contraction, action in parturition and in sperm transport, ejection of milk
Serotonin or 5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HI) 5 – 220 ng/mL Indoleamine PG/Cardiovascular, respiratory, and gastrointestinal systems, brain Neurotransmitter; stimulation or inhibition of various smooth muscles and nerves; possible role in mental illness
Melatonin - Indoleamine PG/Hypothalamus Suppression of gonadotropin and GH secretion; induction of sleep
Thyroxine (T4) and triiodothyronine (T3)
(free T4, free T3)
(<1 m): 0.8 – 2.2 ng/dL
(1-6 m): 0.8 - 1.8 ng/dL
(6m-1y): 0.8 – 1.6 ng/dL
(1-12y): 0.9 – 1.4 ng/dL
(>12 yr): 0.8 – 1.5 ng/dL
T3: 2.2 – 4.0 pg/mL
Iodoamino acids TG/General body tissue Stimulation of oxygen consumption and metabolic rate of tissue
Calcitonin or thyrocalcitonin <15 pmol/L Polypeptide (32 aa) TG/Skeleton Inhibition of calcium resorption; lowering of plasma calcium and phosphate
Parathyroid hormone (PTH) or parathormone 1.7 – 7.3 pmol/L

Polypeptide (84 aa) PTG/Skeleton, kidney, gastrointestinal tract Regulation of calcium and phosphorus metabolism
Cortisol AM peak: 200 – 650 nmol/L
PM trough: <50% peak
Steroid AC/General body tissue Metabolism of carbohydrates, proteins, and fats; inflammation, resistance to infection; hypersensitivity
Aldosterone 100 – 800 pmol/L Steroid AC/Kidney Salt and water balance
Norepinephrine and epinephrine Epinephrine (pg/mL)
2-10 d: 36-400
11d-3m: 55-200
4-11mo: 55-440
12-23m: 36-640
24-35m: 18-440
3-17yr: 18-460
18+ yr: 10-200

Norepinephrine (pg/mL)
2-10 d: 170-1180
11d-3m: 370–2080
4-11mo: 270–1120
12-23m: 68–1810
24-35m: 170–1470
3-17yr: 85–1250
18+ yr: 80–520
Aromatic amines AM/Sympathetic receptors Stimulation of sympathetic nervous system
Epinephrine <570 pmol/L
(see above)
Aromatic amine AM/Liver and muscle, adipose tissue Glycogenolysis
Estrogens Female estradiol (pmol/L):
Early follicular: 100 – 200
Preovulatory: 500 – 1700
Luteal: 500 – 900
Postmenopausal: 70 – 200
Male: 0 – 283 pmol/L
Estriol: Varies with gestational age (increases thru pregnancy)
Phenolic steroids O/Female accessory sex organs Development of secondary sex characteristics
Progesterone Female: (nmol/L)
Follicular: 2.0 – 4.5
Luteal: 7.0 – 70.0
Stroid O/Female accessory reproductive structure Preparation of the uterus for ovum implantation, maintenance of pregnancy
Relaxin - Polypeptide O/Uterus Inhibition of myometrial contraction
Inhibin Female (>16 yr):
0 – 78 pg/mL
Polypeptide O/Hypothalamus Suspected role in the control of FSH secretion
Testosterone Male: 300 – 1200 ng/dL
Female: 30 – 95 ng/dL
Steroid T/Male accessory sex organs Development of secondary sex characteristics, maturation, and normal function
Inhibin Female (>16 yr):
0 – 78 pg/mL
Polypeptide T/Hypothalamus Suspected role in the control of FSH secretion
Estrogens Female estradiol (pmol/L):
Early follicular: 100 – 200
Preovulatory: 500 – 1700
Luteal: 500 – 900
Postmenopausal: 70 – 200
Male: 0 – 283 pmol/L
Estriol: Varies with gestational age (increases thru pregnancy)
Phenolic steroids P/Female accessory sex organs Development of secondary sex characteristics
Progesterone Female: (nmol/L)
Follicular: 2.0 – 4.5
Luteal: 7.0 – 70.0
Steroid P/Female accessory reproductive structure Preparation of the uterus for ovum implantation, maintenance of pregnancy
Relaxin - Polypeptide P/Uterus Inhibition of myometrial contraction
Human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) or choriogonadotropin Female: (b -subunit)
(Non-preg): <5 mIU/L
Glycoprotein‡ (a , 92 aa; ß, 144 aa) P/Ovary

Ovulation, formation of corpora lutea, secretion of progesterone. Prolongation of corpus luteal function; suspected role in steroidogenesis during fetal life.
Stimulation of interstitial tissue; secretion of androgens.
Human chorionic somatomammotropin (hCS) or human placental lactogen (hPL) - Protein (191 aa) P/Mammary gland Proliferation of mammary gland; initiation of milk secretion; antagonist of insulin action
Insulin, free 9 – 80 pmol/L Polypeptide§ PAN/Most cells Regulation of carbohydrate metabolism;
Glucagon <190 ng/L Polypeptide (29 aa) PAN/Liver Glycogenolysis
Pancreatic polypeptide (PP) 40 – 300 ng/L (fasting) Polypeptide (36 aa) PAN/Gastrointestinal tract Increased gut motility and gastric emptying; inhibition of gallbladder contraction
Gastrin¶ Fasting: <90 ng/L
Random: <180 ng/L
Peptide (17 aa) GI/Stomach Secretion of gastric acid, gastric mucosal growth
Secretin 12 – 75 pg/mL Polypeptide (27 aa) GI/Pancreas Secretion of pancreatic bicarbonate and digestive enzymes
Cholecystokinin-pancreozymin (CCK-PZ)¶ - Polypeptide (33 aa) GI/Gallbladder and pancreas Stimulation of gallbladder contraction and secretion of pancreatic enzymes
Motilin - Polypeptide (22 aa) GI/Gastrointestinal tract Stimulation of gastrointestinal motility
Vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP)¶ <20 pmol/L
<50 pg/mL
Polypeptide (28 aa) GI/Gastrointestinal tract Neurotransmitter; relaxation of smooth muscles of gut and of circulation; increase of release of hormones and secretion of water and electrolytes from pancreas and gut
Gastric inhibitory polypeptide (GIP) - Polypeptide (42 aa) GI/Gastrointestinal tract Inhibition of gastric secretion and motility; increase of insulin secretion
Bombesin¶ - Peptide (14 aa) GI/Gastrointestinal tract Stimulation of release of various hormones and pancreatic enzymes, smooth muscle contractions and hypothermia, changes in cardiovascular and renal function
Neurotensin¶ - Peptide (13 aa) GI/Gastrointestinal tract and hypothalamus (gut and brain) Uncertain
Substance P (SP)¶ - Peptide (11 aa) GI/Gastrointestinal tract and brain Sensory neurotransmitter, analgesic; increase in contraction of gastrointestinal smooth muscle; potent vasoactive hormone; promotion of salivation, increased release of histamine
1,25-(OH)2 Vitamin D 22.5 – 94.3 nmol/L Sterol K/Intestine


Facilitation of calcium and phosphorus absorption
Increase in bone resorption in conjunction with PTH.
Increase in reabsorption of filtered calcium
Erythropoietin 12 – 28 U/L Glycoprotein K/Bone marrow Stimulation of red cell formation
Insulin-like growth factor I (ng/mL)
2m - 5y: 17 – 248
6 – 8 yr: 88 – 474
9-11 y Male: 110 – 565
9-11 y Fem: 117 – 771
12-15y Male: 202 – 957
12-15y Fem: 261 – 1096
16-24y M/F: 182 – 780
25-39y M/F: 114 – 492
40-54y M/F: 90 – 360
³ 55 yr M/F: 71 – 290
Peptide (70 aa) L/Most cells Stimulation of cellular and linear growth
Insulin-like growth factor II - Peptide (67 aa) L/Most cells Insulin-like activity
Thymosin and thymopoietin - Peptides (49 and 28 aa) THY/Lymphocytes Maturation of T-lymphocytes
Atrial natriuretic factor (Atrial natriuretic peptide, ANF, ANP, Atriopeptin) 4 – 27 pmol/L Peptide (28 aa) HT/Vascular, renal, and adrenal tissue Regulation of blood volume and blood pressure
Brain natriuretic factor (Brain natriuretic peptide, BNF, BNP) 5 – 99 pg/mL Peptide (17 aa) HT/Vascular, brain tissue Regulation of blood volume and blood pressure
Parathyroid hormone-related peptide (PTH-RP) <5 pmol/L Peptide (141 aa) MCT/Kidney, bone Conjectural; PTH-like actions; tumor marker
Growth factors (e.g., epidermal growth factor, fibroblast growth factor, transforming growth factor family, platelet-derived growth factor, nerve growth factors) - Polypeptides MCT/ Stimulation of cellular growth
Cytokines (e.g., interleukins 1 - 9, tumor necrosis factor, interferons) - Polypeptides MLM/ Stimulation or inhibition of cellular growth
aa: Amino acid residues.
±Also produced by gastrointestinal tract.
‡Glycoprotein hormone composed of two dissimilar peptides. The a -chain is similar in structure or identical; the ß-chain differs for each hormone and confers specificity.
§Two chains linked by disulfide bonds: A, 21 aa; B, 30 aa.
¶Also produced in the brain.
>Source abbreviations: H = Hypothalamus, AP = Anterior Pituitary, PP = Posterior Pituitary, PG = Pineal Gland, TG = Thyroid Gland, PTG = Parathyroid Gland, AC = Adrenal Cortex, AM = Adrenal Mrdulla, O = Ovary, T = Testis, P = Placenta, PAN = Pancreas, GI = Gastrointestinal tract, K = Kidney, L = Liver, THY = Thymus, HT = Heart, MCT = Multiple Cell Types, MLM = Monocytes/Lymphocytes/Macrophages
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