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Classification of bacteria

General Concepts


Bacteria are classified and identified to distinguish among strains and to group them by criteria of interest to microbiologists and other scientists.


Bacteria are named so that investigators can define and discuss them without the necessity of listing their characteristics.


Species, groups of similar organisms within a genus, are designated by biochemical and other phenotypic criteria and by DNA relatedness, which groups strains on the basis of their overall genetic similarity.

Diagnostic Identification:

Bacteria are identified routinely by morphological and biochemical tests, supplemented as needed by specialized tests such as serotyping and antibiotic inhibition patterns. Newer molecular techniques permit species to be identified by their genetic sequences, sometimes directly from the clinical specimen.


Because of differences in pathogenicity or the necessity to characterize a disease outbreak, strains of medical interest are often classified below the species level by serotyping, enzyme typing, identification of toxins or other virulence factors, or characterization of plasmids, protein patterns, or nucleic acids.

New and Unusual Species:

Laboratories have no difficulty identifying most bacteria. Problems develop with atypical strains and rare or newly described species; misidentification can lead to inappropriate patient care. Therefore, laboratory personnel and physicians (at least infectious disease specialists) must remain current regarding changes in taxonomy and the recognition of new species.

Role of the Clinical Laboratory:

Clinical laboratory scientists detect, isolate, identify, and determine the antimicrobial susceptibility patterns of clinically relevant microbes at the request of physicians, and interface with public health laboratories.

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