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Women and Weight: Find a Healthy Balance

Weight has become a big issue in this country--no pun intended. Models are super skinny and Women are dying trying to be just a little thinner. At the same time obesity is reported as epidemic and weight loss gurus grow wealthier. Both conditions are detrimental to your health and both can cause health issues specific to women.
Learn your BMI
Body Mass Index (BMI) is a measurement of body fat relative to height and weight. A Healthy BMI lies between 18.5 and 24.9. Under 18 is underweight and 25 to 30 is overweight. A BMI of over 30 is obese. There are free BMI calculators on the internet that are very easy to use. You put in your height and weight and it tells you your BMI. From there it's easy to see where you stand.
The trouble with being too thin
In spite of the old adage, you can be too skinny. If your BMI is under 18, you are too thin. Women who are underweight have less estrogen production. Sometimes their ovaries stop functioning altogether. Without ovarian function, pregnancy is impossible. If pregnancy does occur, the baby will take what it needs from you. If you are underweight to start with, it can put your pregnancy in danger as the baby tries to pull the nutrients from you that aren't there. Long-term, underweight women are at serious risk of osteoporosis and bone fracture.

Obesity has concerns specific to women

Obesity has become one of the greatest health crises in the U.S. today. A BMI of 25 or over means you're overweight and over 30 means you're obese. All overweight people, men and women, are at a greater risk of heart disease and diabetes. But women have concerns specific just to women. Heart disease is the leading cause of death in women in the U.S. That only worsens with obesity. And on top of that, being overweight leads to increased insulin resistance and eventually diabetes. In the presence of insulin resistance, the ovaries will stop ovulating and develop polycystic ovarian syndrome. The fat cells actually produce estrogen. Without ovulation, there is no progesterone to keep the estrogen from being harmful. The high estrogen levels lead to overgrowth of the uterine lining and irregular, heavy vaginal bleeding. Over time, the risk for endometrial cancer grows. Again, without ovulation, pregnancy does not occur. If pregnancy does occur, insulin resistance can result in diabetes and any complications in labor can make for a difficult cesarean section and recovery. After menopause, the continued estrogen levels produced by the fat cells also results in an increased risk of ovarian and breast cancer. Any surgery and recovery for these conditions is complicated due to increased BMI.
A healthy diet--not dieting
As women, we need to be healthy to protect ourselves. That means maintaining a BMI between 18.5 and 25. You can't "go on a diet," you have to have a diet that you can go on. In other words, you have to Find a way to eat healthy and smart all the time. Crash dieting doesn't work because you just return to previous patterns eventually; they're not livable longterm. Always drastically dieting doesn't keep you healthy either. It has to become just a way of eating every day that shows respect for your body and your health. Throw in at least 30 minutes of exercise for 4 to 5 days per week and you'll start to achieve that healthy BMI. So go calculate your BMI and see where you stand. If you're in the healthy range, then keep up the good work--it's a lifetime endeavour! If you need to gain, find a healthy way to add some calories and weight. If you need to lose, find a way that you can live healthier for the rest of your life! Visit the Nutrition.gov website for detailed information about maintaining a healthy diet for you and your family


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