Control Acne Naturally - Be In Control!

Are you being overrun with pimples and zits? Hopefully not, but if you are then lets look at some alternatives to expensive medications and treatments.
Let’s start with “what is acne?” Acne is a skin disorder that is primarily caused by your hormones acting in conjunction with the skin’s oil glands called the sebaceous glands. The oils excreted from the sebaceous glands may lead to congesting you skin pores. At this point your acne is forming. Acne can breakout on your face, neck, chest, back and shoulders, and occasionally even on your scalp because this is where the glands are most profuse. Without proper treatment and occasionally counseling, severe acne can lead to other psychological disorders such as depression.
The occurrence of acne can often be linked to a persons genetics. If you parents or grandparents had severe acne, then you are likely to also have severe acne. Of course, there is nothing we can do about your genetics (at least not today), but there is another factor that we can do something about. That factor is hygiene. When we speak of hygiene we aren’t usually talking about someone that doesn’t have any hygiene skills, it’s just that there are certain ways that are better than others for taking care of acne. Follow the list below for examples of natural acne solutions.

1. Fruits and Vegetables - Include at least the recommended daily allowance of 4 to 5 servings each day. Fruits and veggies have an amazing impact on the outbreak of acne.
2. Rose Water - Use rose water as a facial cleanser. Simply dip a cotton ball in the solution and clean your face at least twice daily.
3. Don’t Wait - Waiting for a pimple to form is like admitting defeat. Take control and do something about before it is a full fledged zit. Try patting some ice on the swollen location to reduce the swelling and release the poisons in the pores.
4. Multi-vitamins will help get your body’s chemistry back into balance. Not only will you live healthier but having your body’s chemistry in balance will reduce the hormonal output of your sebaceous glands.
5. Cucumbers - Only this time they aren’t to eat. Create a cucumber paste by combining a cucumber with water to make a facial mask. Put it on for about half an hour and rinse off. This is affordable and helps control acne at the same time that it refreshes your skin.
6. Carefully Select Soaps - Use only mild soaps, even though you are thinking that you should dry your skin out. Avoid using petroleum or animal based soaps because they tend to dry out you skin and make it irritated.
7. Avoid using alcohol based cleansers on your skin because they tend to dry it out. Alcohol free is a better way to go and will be much kinder to your face and body.
8. All Natural Makeup - Choose your makeup carefully because many makeup brands contain petroleum which will, once again, dry out your skin and that is normally not what the majority of those suffering from acne need. All natural makeup will be much kinder to your skin.
9. Drink lots of water. I know, everybody always says drink lots of water. But, don’t you think if everybody is saying that then there must be at least a little truth to it. Well, there is! Do it and you will feel better and your skin will feel better.
Use the list above and really try it. Always start with the easiest solutions before trying to move into the expensive and invasive treatments. And note that not all illnesses need to be cured with harsh medicines and chemicals, your body will thank you in the long run.