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تابع قناتنا على يوتيوب. الدخول من هنا الأشتراك في القناة

Legionnaires' disease (legionellosis)

Legionnaires' disease (legionellosis) Legionellosis is an infection caused by specific bacteria: Legionella. You can run easily or cause…

Blood types: A, B, AB, 0, positive and negative

The structure of red blood cells determines the blood type. The most important blood group properties for blood transfusions are the AB0 and Rhes…

Alzheimer: What is Alzheimer Symptoms - Causes - and Treatment ?

Alzheimer'S Disease Alzheimer's disease (Alzheimer's disease) is considered the most common cause of dementia. It is accompanied…

The fight dengue virus: New antibodies could become vaccine

The fight dengue virus: New antibodies could become vaccine Dengue fever is not as well known as malaria, yet it involves a serious infectiou…

Dengue Fever: The tiger mosquito is spreading

Dengue Fever: The tiger mosquito is spreading Anyone currently suffering from dengue fever, usually infected in the tropics - through a mosquito bi…

Malaria (intermittent fever) What is malaria?

Malaria (intermittent fever, malaria) is a tropical disease. Cause of malaria are tiny parasites: Plasmodium. They are transmitted by Anop…

Breast cancer (breast cancer): Overview

Breast cancer (breast cancer): Overview Breast cancer, the most common cancer in women, is produced in the mammary gland. Information on risk …
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