Dengue Fever: The tiger mosquito is spreading

Dengue Fever: The tiger mosquito is spreading
Anyone currently suffering from dengue fever, usually infected in the tropics - through a mosquito bite. The viral disease is transmitted by the Asian tiger mosquito. In goods containers, suitcases and cars of tourists, the insect enters increasingly into Southern Europe. In Italy it has already spread. Because of climate change, there could more frequently in about 30 years in the Mediterranean occur, British researchers calculated. Need to panic yet exists. A tiger mosquito is only dangerous if they themselves infected with the virus, for instance by stings sufferers. According to the Robert Koch Institute was in 2014 none of the 626 dengue cases back to insect bites in continental Europe. But should distance and Mediterranean travelers who get to mosquito bites a high fever, rash, headache and body aches, go to the doctor.

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