Image that analyzes the blood
Image that analyzes the blood
After dragging the process comes a set of instructions that must be followed precisely for the purpose of keeping the sample from damage and configured to suit the quality of the test, which we will do, and in general it should be a syringe and tubing used a clean free of any chemicals or impurities are not required to be sterile.
1) serum (blood) Serum Serum
For the serum is withdrawn from the syringe blood transfusion to the test tube and then leaves the blood for a period of 10-20 minutes at room temperature and can leave the tube longer for up to half an hour if you put the tube in the refrigerator, and you should not move the tube to prevent the decomposition of the blood Hemolysis, and after the arrival of the blood sample to the complete coagulation sample stick wooden move gently on the top of the article thrombotic adhesive on the walls of the tube from the inside and should avoid rapid stirring to prevent explain the blood and then the blood sample placed in a centrifuge Vtaatersb clot and be the top layer is serum and natural yellow color

Another method used in some laboratories to separate serum which is the use of special tubes deflated called Vacutainer container on silicon element and some of them will be added to the gel Gel for the purpose of minimizing the bloody decomposition and prevent material thrombotic from sticking to the walls of the tube and the separation of the largest possible amount of serum process the tube added jellies, and separating material thrombotic for serum using the centrifuge process Centrifuge that lead to the deposition of material thrombotic at the bottom of the tube and remains the serum in the upper part of the tube immediately after the completion of the centrifuge process we will move the serum directly plastic Pmash to clean and dry tube gently and are serum treatment after depending on the quality test experience has conditions allow that serum remains at room temperature or kept in a refrigerator at a temperature suitable or when freezing or directly test work required after the separation of the serum temperature (the difference between the sample serum and plasma is that the sample serum does not containing anti-clotting materials Anticoagulants
Total blood Whole Blood
Total blood is used to measure the concentration of glucose (which is the method used in hospitals) must conduct the analysis immediately after the receipt by the laboratory technician after making sure of adding potassium fluoride to the private collection of sugar sample tube (to prevent the decomposition process glucose Glycolysis) and this process is very important, especially if There was a period of time for an hour or more of the sampling and delivery to the lab and do the analysis. It must be emphasized local speed extraction or separation of serum or plasma from a blood clot or from cells immediately after to collect the blood samples as glucose change is greater than other ordinary chemical compounds quickly, especially when the leaves on the tentacles of the cells connection where bacteria breaks down glucose leading to a decline in real value measured.
Plasma Plasma
Is obtained plasma withdraw blood from a vein forearm by a sterile syringe and dry used once and carries blood to dry the tube sealing material anticoagulant such as heparin sodium 1% and then the tube turns quietly upside down several times to blend blood good inhibitor of clotting and carries blood immediately separates to a centrifuge and the upper part is the plasma and the plasma is then transferred to a clean tube to carry out the required tests.
There is a general consensus in most laboratories to favor the use of serum instead of plasma or total blood, for ease of preparation and get it in addition to the change of glucose stability in serum at room temperature is much lower than the change persistence in total blood temperature, as well as most of the enzymes prove it for 24 at least an hour if cooled in the refrigerator for a period longer frozen. If we reviewed the rest of the blood components, we find that the ions are stable inorganic in the serum for about 8 hours at room temperature for several days in the refrigerator temperature and each of urea, creatinine and uric acid be fixed for a period of 42 hours at least without a refrigerator and longer under the refrigerator cooling The bilirubin (a private non-associated) is very sensitive to light so it should be checked immediately or be protected from direct light saved in a dark place.
There are several points determining the choice of a blood sample Do what we need in the total sample of blood or serum or plasma analysis, namely:
1 - preferably total blood use in more tests where they can take advantage of a few of it amounts to conduct the examination without the need to isolate blood cells, which requires at that quantities of ink total blood and is used particularly for measuring materials that are distributed in a convergent between plasma and cells such as sugar, urea.
2 - exist within erythrocytes materials interfere with the interactions that take place to measure some blood components Khaamad uric or creatinine and then must use serum or plasma, as well as using the serum or plasma to measure some of the components that vary in concentration between the cells and plasma for example, potassium ion, where the concentration in plasma much lower than the concentration inside the pellets and vice versa for sodium.
3 - prefer to use the serum on the plasma in order to avoid overlap, which as a result of the use of sealants thrombosis may occur Examples include the effect of inhibitors of clotting on the effectiveness of enzymes, as well as the preferred use of plasma in some tests that require the isolation of the pellets from the plasma as soon as possible example organophosphates concentration increases in Plasma as a result of leakage of red blood cells when blood left even for a brief period, and the decomposition of organic phosphate to inorganic phosphate due to the effectiveness of the enzyme phosphatase increases in the concentration of inorganic phosphate in plasma, without having to wait for a blood clot lysis (as in serum).
Important note:
Must be the color of serum or plasma yellow net and there is no where any turbidity and if found color Mwhita it shows the high proportion of fat in it which affects the result of the analysis Similarly, if the color is reddish, it indicates the breaking of red blood which affects a significant impact on some of the results of Kiryat If the color yellow Mkhaddra it shows the percentage increase in blood bilirubin.
After dragging the process comes a set of instructions that must be followed precisely for the purpose of keeping the sample from damage and configured to suit the quality of the test, which we will do, and in general it should be a syringe and tubing used a clean free of any chemicals or impurities are not required to be sterile.
1) serum (blood) Serum Serum
For the serum is withdrawn from the syringe blood transfusion to the test tube and then leaves the blood for a period of 10-20 minutes at room temperature and can leave the tube longer for up to half an hour if you put the tube in the refrigerator, and you should not move the tube to prevent the decomposition of the blood Hemolysis, and after the arrival of the blood sample to the complete coagulation sample stick wooden move gently on the top of the article thrombotic adhesive on the walls of the tube from the inside and should avoid rapid stirring to prevent explain the blood and then the blood sample placed in a centrifuge Vtaatersb clot and be the top layer is serum and natural yellow color

Another method used in some laboratories to separate serum which is the use of special tubes deflated called Vacutainer container on silicon element and some of them will be added to the gel Gel for the purpose of minimizing the bloody decomposition and prevent material thrombotic from sticking to the walls of the tube and the separation of the largest possible amount of serum process the tube added jellies, and separating material thrombotic for serum using the centrifuge process Centrifuge that lead to the deposition of material thrombotic at the bottom of the tube and remains the serum in the upper part of the tube immediately after the completion of the centrifuge process we will move the serum directly plastic Pmash to clean and dry tube gently and are serum treatment after depending on the quality test experience has conditions allow that serum remains at room temperature or kept in a refrigerator at a temperature suitable or when freezing or directly test work required after the separation of the serum temperature (the difference between the sample serum and plasma is that the sample serum does not containing anti-clotting materials Anticoagulants
Total blood Whole Blood
Total blood is used to measure the concentration of glucose (which is the method used in hospitals) must conduct the analysis immediately after the receipt by the laboratory technician after making sure of adding potassium fluoride to the private collection of sugar sample tube (to prevent the decomposition process glucose Glycolysis) and this process is very important, especially if There was a period of time for an hour or more of the sampling and delivery to the lab and do the analysis. It must be emphasized local speed extraction or separation of serum or plasma from a blood clot or from cells immediately after to collect the blood samples as glucose change is greater than other ordinary chemical compounds quickly, especially when the leaves on the tentacles of the cells connection where bacteria breaks down glucose leading to a decline in real value measured.
Plasma Plasma
Is obtained plasma withdraw blood from a vein forearm by a sterile syringe and dry used once and carries blood to dry the tube sealing material anticoagulant such as heparin sodium 1% and then the tube turns quietly upside down several times to blend blood good inhibitor of clotting and carries blood immediately separates to a centrifuge and the upper part is the plasma and the plasma is then transferred to a clean tube to carry out the required tests.
There is a general consensus in most laboratories to favor the use of serum instead of plasma or total blood, for ease of preparation and get it in addition to the change of glucose stability in serum at room temperature is much lower than the change persistence in total blood temperature, as well as most of the enzymes prove it for 24 at least an hour if cooled in the refrigerator for a period longer frozen. If we reviewed the rest of the blood components, we find that the ions are stable inorganic in the serum for about 8 hours at room temperature for several days in the refrigerator temperature and each of urea, creatinine and uric acid be fixed for a period of 42 hours at least without a refrigerator and longer under the refrigerator cooling The bilirubin (a private non-associated) is very sensitive to light so it should be checked immediately or be protected from direct light saved in a dark place.
There are several points determining the choice of a blood sample Do what we need in the total sample of blood or serum or plasma analysis, namely:
1 - preferably total blood use in more tests where they can take advantage of a few of it amounts to conduct the examination without the need to isolate blood cells, which requires at that quantities of ink total blood and is used particularly for measuring materials that are distributed in a convergent between plasma and cells such as sugar, urea.
2 - exist within erythrocytes materials interfere with the interactions that take place to measure some blood components Khaamad uric or creatinine and then must use serum or plasma, as well as using the serum or plasma to measure some of the components that vary in concentration between the cells and plasma for example, potassium ion, where the concentration in plasma much lower than the concentration inside the pellets and vice versa for sodium.
3 - prefer to use the serum on the plasma in order to avoid overlap, which as a result of the use of sealants thrombosis may occur Examples include the effect of inhibitors of clotting on the effectiveness of enzymes, as well as the preferred use of plasma in some tests that require the isolation of the pellets from the plasma as soon as possible example organophosphates concentration increases in Plasma as a result of leakage of red blood cells when blood left even for a brief period, and the decomposition of organic phosphate to inorganic phosphate due to the effectiveness of the enzyme phosphatase increases in the concentration of inorganic phosphate in plasma, without having to wait for a blood clot lysis (as in serum).
Important note:
Must be the color of serum or plasma yellow net and there is no where any turbidity and if found color Mwhita it shows the high proportion of fat in it which affects the result of the analysis Similarly, if the color is reddish, it indicates the breaking of red blood which affects a significant impact on some of the results of Kiryat If the color yellow Mkhaddra it shows the percentage increase in blood bilirubin.