The impact of place on the pooling of blood components
ebn benghazi
Estimated read time: 5 min
When you drag the sample from different locations, the blood as well as
the components are different. In the process of the skin puncture Skin
Puncture-like arterial blood capillary more than venous blood and that
it is the laboratory there is no clear differences between the capillary
blood and blood artery in each of the pH value PH molecular pressure of
oxygen Po2 molecular pressure of carbon dioxide Pco2 and oxygen
saturation, while the partial pressure of carbon dioxide in the veins be
higher where the pressure from 6 up to 7 ml mercury and less blood
glucose in the veins about 7 mg / 100 ml (0.39 mmol / L) glucose level
in capillary blood as a result of the consumption of tissue him.
The decomposition of the blood Hemolysis
The break of red blood cells by the blood decomposition occurs within
Invivo vivo and in vitro Invitro and this process can be carried out
under conditions of several cases, including:
1. osmosis Osmotically
Because the membrane of red pellet allows entry into force of the
water, the cell size varies depending on the change in the middle
osmotic If you put the pellets in a low solution tension Hypotonic the
water will be implemented into the cell and bloom cell and changing
recipes membrane arise by minute channels allow the passage of
hemoglobin and other cell contents are scattered in the ocean of liquid
2 - the decomposition of the blood gets sick in the following cases:
A - anemia or acute blood Hemolytic Anemia poverty as well as in the case of jaundice in newborns Jaundice B - the sudden increase of hemoglobin in the urine Paroxysmal Hemoglobinuria
3 - analyzes the output of blood from eating certain drugs:
Some drugs cause lysis of red blood cells, including quinine Quinine
and Alvinaseaton Phenacetin Nitrites and nitrates and chlorate Chlorates
4 - oily solvents
Such as alcohol, ether, chloroform and some materials such as soap bile
salts and material saponins Saponin this material melts the fat globule
membrane of red or change directions Order fat molecules in the cell
5 - mechanical methods
Mechanical methods play an important role on the negative impact of
different samples a private blood samples and these methods grinding
Grinding, stirring Stirring or severe shaking Shaking as well as
repeated freezing and Aeltsiih Thawing
That there are some other factors that lead to blood decomposition in
the pipe, such as the change in temperature, pH and exposure to
ultraviolet light, and the concentration of serum components
concentration of hemoglobin in sickle cell sample is affected by more
than 20 mg / 100 ml, as there are two degrees of decomposition of the
blood sample mild First Slightly Hemolysis and this effect a few most of
the chemical analyzes, and the second type is severe decomposition of
the blood Server Hemolysis which affects the ease components that are no
small concentration inside the red blood cells more than its effect on
the components in the plasma (where severe decomposition leads to an
increase in the items in the inside cells relative to the outside of
cells and increase its focus such as sodium, potassium and enzyme LDH
... etc.) and on the whole the obvious influence can be seen on the
ingredients found in the plasma of this, the focus in the plasma
increases in decomposing the sample in the following tests enzyme
Aloldollaz Aldolase and enzyme alkaline phosphatase enzyme LDH The
enzyme Aazostreet disputed hydrogen, potassium and Almjneziom and
phosphate increases as well as phosphate inorganic in serum as quickly
as organic Aster located inside cells that are decomposed, as well as
increasing activism enzymatically amino transferase (GOT, GPT) by 2% for
every 10 mg / 100 ml resulting from the increase in the concentration
of hemoglobin, as well as The enzyme LDH increase by about 10% for each
10 mg / 100 ml of hemoglobin, and we can see the blood sample decaying
given to the naked eye.
Blood Remember
Preferable to always conduct tests as soon as possible and at the
storage reservation all samples after the separation of the serum or
plasma refrigerated for the purpose of delay chemical reactions and thus
prevent change ingredients ratios and temperature appropriate for the
conservation of 2-4 CE, where a few changes in this class during several
hours From left in the refrigerator and kept the blood samples for the
analysis of sugar and Alberovi after the addition of a preservative.
When the samples are stored for a long time to measure enzymes, for
example, it must be freezing temperature (-20 m) after the separation of
the serum as soon as possible, preferably the samples are divided into
small volumes before freezing in order to avoid repeating the dissolving
process and freeze again, leading to a fundamental change in the
composition of proteins and enzymes, and when the analysis sample left
to melt slowly at room temperature and then mixing quietly in order to
get a homogeneous sample.
And to collect blood samples advised Ptba the following precautions:
1 - prefer to collect blood samples from patients in the early morning before breakfast, except in special cases.
2. tube which it will examine the blood and must be dry, where the
presence of moisture leads to broken blood cells and make sure the fact
that the validity of the tube is finished.
3 - must refer to the type of treatment that is covered by the patient
4 - You should avoid the use of negative pressure when drawing blood,
but leaves the blood flows from the vein to the syringe slowly and when
emptied from the syringe to the private conservation empties slowly tube
so as to prevent blood cells break.
5 - should not be overstated in the use of anti-clotting substances (clotting)
6 - after the withdrawal of the sample must accelerate transported to
the laboratory where the blood saved at low temperatures leads to cell
lysis and disruption of the distribution of ions, in particular,
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