Obesity and food addiction: Causes and Risk Factors

Obesity and food addiction: Causes and Risk Factors
Although the genetic predisposition may play a major role - poor diet and lack of exercise are significant risk factors for overweight and obesity

Energy is supplied to the body through food. Consumes energy at rest (basal metabolic rate) and with any kind of movement. A high energy intake and low consumption means that excess energy is stored as fat in the body.

In obese people unfavorable genetic predisposition, control mechanisms may, according to circumstance brain , unhealthy eating habits, lack of physical activity and psychological factors and environmental conditions are in a complicated context. Much less common is the consequence of other diseases or obesity is favored by medication taken.
Genetic predisposition

Genes can cause the energy consumption of affected people is reduced. Studies point out in this connection also to a potentially increased feeling of hunger. This probably certain brain regions and specifically the hypothalamus play a role, because there are both the Esszentrum and the satiety center.

After studies in twins go professionals believe that the Body Mass Index ( BMI ) of a human being (see " What is obesity ") is genetically determined to a large extent. From a study of adopted adolescents and young adults is also known: The BMI of these individuals is much more closely with the BMI of their biological parents or siblings as associated with the BMI of adoptive parents.
Wrong Diet

Improper diet is not solely a result of thoughtlessness, lack of health awareness or insufficient information. Because sometimes lead even personal stress or frustration situations - for example after separation or through nicotine withdrawal - to a kind of feeling of hunger. Eating then becomes a substitute satisfaction, to compensate for unmet needs or repressed feelings or to mute protest. Mothers and fathers comfort children with food or want it so calm. Suffering self-esteem and self-perception, which can in extreme cases, pathological eating disorders lead.
But modern environmental factors such as time pressure or rapidly available fast food unhealthy eating habits favor. We eat too hasty tasty, energy-dense foods - ie calorie bombs - without waiting for a feeling of satiety. We drink too many sugary soft drinks. Especially in low-income households less fresh fruits and vegetables are consumed, but more often canned and prepared foods with relatively high hidden fat content. This is the fat fattening number one. According to the German Nutrition Society (DGE) eat the Germans on average 80 to 100 grams of fat per day. But experts recommend only 60 to 70 grams.

Lack of movement

Regular physical activity reduces the risk of many diseases, including obesity. But more and more professional activities are performed sitting down, overcome stairs with the help of elevators and every long distance driven by car, instead perhaps to use the bike. Hours of television watching on the couch replaced in many places an active leisure.

The foundation for this deficit is often laid in childhood: It can be produced between sedentary lifestyle at a young age and a related obesity and resulting complications in the further course of life.


Among the diseases that can be causative for the development of obesity, for example, eating disorders, which can lead to excessive binge eating with an excessive energy intake ( Binge Eating Disorder ).

Rarely can an obesity result from diseases of the endocrine system be, such as an underactive thyroid . A possible cause is also the Cushing syndrome called, in which an excessively high cortisol levels in the blood exists as a result of drugs or over-production in the adrenal glands.


There are also drugs which promote weight gain. To obesity these funds, however, usually lead only if, in addition complemented by appropriate additional factors.

If it is suspected that a decreed drug is involved in weight gain, you discuss this best with the treating physician. He can point out alternatives or to recommend appropriate countermeasures policy.

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