World Tobacco Report: Every six seconds a person dies by smoking

 Every year, six million people from the effects of smoking, in 2030 it could be eight million. In order to contain the number, the WHO calls for drastic tax.
It is an opportunity that so far only a few countries use: In order to save lives, urging the World Health Organization (WHO) governments worldwide to introduce higher tobacco taxes. It was proven that more expensive tobacco products significantly restricting smoking, says the latest global tobacco report of the organization.
Already today, die every year six million people, because they smoke or have smoked - every six seconds a, according to the report. That's more deaths than HIV / AIDS, malaria and tuberculosis combined.

Not grasping the governments with drastic measures, the number of tobacco deaths could therefore increase by 2030 to eight million. Although less smoked in many countries, the number of smokers is increasing worldwide population growth.

Recommended control level: three quarters of the sales price

Only in 33 of the 194 WHO member states make the tax three-quarters of the retail price of cigarettes and other tobacco products from, according to the report. This level holds the WHO to be appropriate. "To increase the taxes on tobacco products, is one of the most effective and economical methods to reduce consumption of deadly products," said WHO Director Margaret Chan.
Germany reached the 75 percent mark almost - almost three-quarters of the price of tobacco are taxes. The price increases and the fact that cigarettes and tobacco are not sold to people under 18 since 2009 would have reduced the smoking rate among young people massively , says Kirsten Scot by WHO.

In the 12- to 17-year-olds in this country, the proportion of smokers has for Health Education in the last decade by more than half, according to the Federal Agency. During that time 23 percent smoked, there are only ten percent today. Among adults smokes in Germany, one in four. As a new threat but many experts see E-cigarettes or e-shishas .

The WHO is one smoking on the risk factors for common diseases such as cancer, heart and lung disease and diabetes. At its consequences a total of 16 million people die prematurely according to WHO data, ie before their 70th birthday. 80 percent of the world's one billion smokers live according to WHO data in countries with low or middle incomes.
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