Tummy Lift and remove the skin after pregnancy and childbirth and other

What are the distortions abdomen?

The sagging abdomen or abdominal fatty happen for many reasons, for the piece can be described as abdominal abnormalities as follows:
1. The very flabby skin of the abdomen with a leather lines like that occur after childbirth. (For more information: How do women avoid sagging skin after pregnancy? )
2. sagging skin of the abdomen with a double and sagging abdominal muscles.
3. abdominal fatty any emergence of the abdomen without sagging skin or weakness of the muscles of the abdomen.
4. sagging skin with a muscle with fatty skin of the abdomen.

 What are the causes of abdominal abnormalities?

Each of these cases has a single cause or a number of reasons are summarized as follows:
1. Obesity regular or excessive in this case increases the proportion of grease accumulated in the skin of the abdomen. (For more information: risk of obesity )
2. hormonal disorders either endocrine disorder or taking medications containing hormones or not the piece. (For more information: drugs cause weight gain )
3. repeated pregnancies and births, increasing the weight of the child in pregnancy abnormally as cases of blood diabetes when pregnant mother , for example, or pass a specific fetus for birth period.
4. Lack of exercise to strengthen the abdominal muscles.
5. raise the many Althagalah loads during work could lead to a hernia as well.
6. lack of interest in women's abdomen after birth and not have to consult a doctor for cosmetic lines birth.
7. abdominal abnormalities occur after slimming operations and reduce weight significantly. (For more information: Weight Loss Tips )

 Prevention is always more important than treatment

1. consult a doctor immediately after birth to treat or prevent Atralat skin and skin lines.
2. Commitment diet or a diet regime in cases of obesity to prevent the greasiness of the skin.
3. Sport is a cure for many diseases, a task to strengthen the abdominal muscles to prevent weakness and sagging muscles. (For more information: Sports in our lives )
4. not to lift weights or loads only with the help of others and are not the courage to raise loads, and if necessary, use special belts for belly to avoid tearing and sagging or herniated abdominal muscles.
5. strikes hormonal treatment by a doctor who specializes in the piece and not taking hormones or steroids without consulting a specialist doctor as well. (For more information: foods regulate women 's hormones )

 the cure

1. medical treatment just like a diet - Sports thoughtful - some medicines Baltnhev with the need not to take any medication only after consulting a specialist doctor to see what is appropriate for each person and without the occurrence of certain medical complications. (For more information: relation to drugs to lose weight )
2-treat sagging skin Baltaatan or Althermaj and without surgery, but it is not used for cases of sagging and the weakness of the abdominal muscles. It is a hardware being passed on to the skin multiple sessions for the purpose of stimulating the collagen found in the skin of the works to tighten sagging skin.
3. El-P-G (lpg) device helps to scare greasiness found in the skin may be used alone or with the rest of the other methods is also used on many sessions.
4. Almizotrabi (Mesothetherapy) is a vitamin and mineral salts livedo under the skin or in the skin on multiple stages to cases of slimming little greasiness found in the skin does not benefit from this method with great greasiness or in the case Atralat abdominal muscles.
5-medical threaded Tskhaddm Firming Lift the skin only a topical anesthetic.
6. surgery; it is of two types:
a. Liposuction: The liposuction from the abdomen of cases of fatty skin of the abdomen through a very small incision in the skin and through which liposuction Almichhmh in the skin and the amount of suction depends on several factors such as: the patient's age, health and physical susceptibility and the amount of accumulated grease. The anesthesia can be localized for simple cases or general anesthesia in severe cases, there is no risk in this process as it completed a measured way and under the supervision of a physician.
B. Degreasing with or without strengthening flabby abdominal muscles or muscle hernias calendar, if any, during the process either by placing industrial network or muscle suture and tighten sagging skin and then remove with or without the suction of fat depending on the situation. (For more information: surgery tummy tuck )

 Help after the operation

1. wearing girdles or your own abdominal Alchorsah for a period ranging from two months to four months and the department of medical centers say up to 6 months, depending on the situation and the type of operation that were made.
2. refrain from lifting weights and loads more than 2 kilos for several weeks.
3. It is important to not-my-Ji (lpg) several weeks after the operation to modify Almhvoth areas of grease
4. taking medications and antibiotics , according to the physician 's instructions.
5. can be made after a laser to remove the effects of the operation, if any, and in stages too.
6. continuous monitoring by a physician.

 Some complications own process

1. swollen abdomen after the operation with a simple pain; for the swelling go away after a few weeks , but the pain recedes simple analgesics. (For more information: pain relievers, their uses and dangers )
2. bleeding under the skin as a result of the process and go away after a week to ten days.
3. tension or tightness in the private abdominal abdominal muscle calendar operations, go Taatdregia after getting used to the new situation.
4. operation scars may remain for a period of time, especially for those who have a delay in wound healing and diabetic patients, the patient may need a laser sessions to mitigate the effects of wounds or scars remaining.
5. Tktltat lipid irregular process in some areas.
6. skin ulcers or non-healing wounds of the process.
* To learn more about the subject talked with a doctor now .
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