World Hepatitis Day: Around 36 million people worldwide are suffering from this disease, thus protect

ebn benghazi
Estimated read time: 3 min
Health Desk: Latest data released by the World Health Organization (WHO) reveals that around 36 million people worldwide suffer from hepatitis B or C Hepatitis causes inflammation in the liver, and it can also cause serious disorders such as cirrhosis. Apart from this, hepatitis can also cause menstrual risk.
Let us know that World Hepatitis Day (July 28, 2018) is celebrated every year. The purpose of celebrating World Hepatitis Day is to make people aware of hepatitis. Due to lack of awareness among the people, people do not take the hepatitis vaccine at the right time, due to which the disease increases. When hepatitis, it causes many other problems in the body as well. According to a recent World Health Organization report, men have the effect of hepatitis on their fertility. That means hepatitis causes infertility in men.

The WHO report shows that the risk of infertility in men with hepatitis B virus is 1.59 times higher. Hepatitis B virus protein is known for reducing the mobility of sperm and the fertilization rate of sperms. 
Dr. Rishikesh D. Pai, General Secretary of the Federation of Obstetrics and Gynecological Societies of India, Director of IVF and Infertility in Delhi said that there is no effect on the functioning of the ovary or conjunctivitis of Hepatitis. However, this virus has a negative effect on spermatogenesis in men. This reduces the number of sperms, levels of testosterone, mobility, and viability, affecting productivity and fertility. ( These signs can be seen in the mouth, the signs of cancer )
He said that on the occasion of World Hepatitis Day, today's requirement is to offer HBsAg and HCV tests in the infertile couplet. This will help them gain some clarity on the reproductive capacity and they can avoid transmitting this disease to their partner or child. ( Water that drinks in a bottle of water daily can make you sick )

What is hepatitis
Your question is coming in the end what is Hepatitis? Let you know if hepatitis is swollen on the liver. This leads to the formation of liver cancer later on. (In a hurry to lose weight, drink daily cucumber and ginger juice, in this way )
According to a
World Health Organization (WHO) report of more than 36 million people with hepatitis across the world, more than 36 million people worldwide are infected with hepatitis C virus. If it is talked about India, then 40 million people in India are surrounded by this virus infection. All of these are infected with Hepatitis B virus.
Avoid Hepatitis B Avoidance: -
Before eating anything, the hands should be cleaned with bactericidal soap or hand sanitizer. 
Cleanliness should be done at individual and public places. 
Do not drink unhygienic and unhealthy water. 
Hepatitis A and Hepatitis E virus can be avoided by avoiding the food feeds of unsafe food stalls engaged on the roads. 
The vaccine is also available to prevent hepatitis A. After applying this vaccine, you can be safe from thyroid hepatitis A. The work of the development of hepatitis E vaccine is in progress, which is likely to be available in the future.
The virus-producing these two types of hepatitis can infect a healthy person with the appearance of contaminated injections, the use of unhygienic equipment, needles, and razors related to surgery, with hepatitis. A person may be infected with Hepatitis B and C also by donating blood without testing. Hepatitis B virus can also infect the infant with the mother of the newborn, provided the child's mother is suffering from hepatitis B.
This disease can be prevented by vaccinating the child. Like AIDS virus, Hepatitis B and C can also be caused by establishing unsafe physical relationships. At present, the hepatitis C vaccine is not available. Therefore prevention of hepatitis C can be done using disposable needle and rearing. Take the blood and those related to it from people who donate voluntary donations.           
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Web Title: Hepatitis: Types, Symptoms, and Treatment: World Hepatitis Day: Around 36 million people worldwide are suffering from this disease, thus protect

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