World Tobacco Report: Every six seconds a person dies by smoking Every year, six million people from the effects of smoking, in 2030 it could be eight million. In order to contain the number, the WHO calls fo…
What are symptoms of listeriosis? Fever, muscle aches, and sometimes nausea and diarrhea (or both) the usual symptoms of listeriosis are connected. These symptoms usually last up …
What is listeriosis? What causes listeriosis? Listeria infection by a gram-positive motile bacterium called Listeria monocytogenes caused. The infection produces fever, muscle aches, and many…
Listeriosis (Listeria monocytogenes infection) Facts Listeriosis is a disease caused by a Gram-positive bacterium called Listeria, which invade and replicate within human cells. Most people …
Listeria is a risk for the pregnant women & infants & the elderly Listeria is a risk for pregnant women, infants, the elderly A bacteria called listeria is the cause of several recent high-profile food recalls. …
Listeria food poisoning - Listeria infection Listeria food poisoning Listeria (pronounced liss-STEER-e-uh) is a Gram-positive rod-shaped bacteria that can grow under anaerobic conditions e…